
代写 英文:宝马标志的由来

代写 英文:宝马标志的由来

定位是一种非常有用的商品营销工具。一旦细分了市场,确定了目标客户,定位就出现了。定位是关于感知的一切。每个人都有不同的感知,因此定位的结果也会因客户的不同而有所不同,但也有一些相似之处。宝马对自己的目标非常明确。它的目标仅仅是高端汽车,而不是在汽车行业的每一个细分领域做出额外的努力。它远离中档汽车的高容量市场,将重点放在豪华车领域。例如,与本田思域(Honda Civic)相比,Mini更小,但售价要高出约3000美元(合2300欧元)。这种做法使宝马成为全球主要赚钱的汽车生产商之一,尽管其规模相对较小。、

代写 英文:宝马标志的由来

BMW was started in 1917 from the amalgamation of two little aero engine manufacturers. Their well-known blue and white symbol has been taken from the shades of the Bavarian Luftwaffe. This symbol is assumed to look a lot like the one of their aeroplane by a propeller. BMW is well-known for its athletic, complicated and lavish icon which has been created from the decade of 1970’s with a lot of motor sport wins varying from Road Cars to Formula 1. The worldwide mission statement of BMW is to be the highly successful premium producer in the automobile business.Positioning is regarding what the clients think about the value of the woods, its benefits as well as its qualities. Positioning is the way to compare the base product to all the other existing alternate. The customers’ beliefs are generally based on their past experiences and happenings in spite of the knowledge spread by the advertisements and promotion. BMW needs to focus on the strategy of positioning. It involves rising, promotion, choice of the distribution channels which can help in maximisation of sales.
Positioning is a highly useful tool for marketing of goods. Once the markets are segmented and the target customer is decided, positioning comes into picture. Positioning is everything regarding the perception. Every person has a different perception therefore the result of positioning differs for each customer, however there are a few similarities as well.BMW is extremely clear regarding its targeting. It simply targets the top-priced cars and does not make extra efforts to struggle in each segment of the automobile industry. It keeps away from the high-capacity market of middle-of-the-road automobiles and lays stress firmly on the luxury segment. The Mini, for instance, is tinier in comparison of a Honda Civic, however is priced at around $3,000 (€2,300) more. This approach has led to BMW, regardless of its comparatively tiny size, being one of the globe’s largely money-making car producers.