

  There will be a separate marketing department developed for this process. There will be newer website designed that will be titled to incorporate the CSR and the quality of the products. There will be efforts taken to create a new website. There will be two marketing managers to head each objective of the project. The action plan is to show the user driven content in a pleasant manner (Fidm, 2014). The company will show real efforts made to improve the community and ensure quality of their product design. The people will be hired to maintain the content and post the user driven content. This website will be posted within a month

  There will be periodical analysis of the impact the campaign draws to the people. The actual campaign will run for 3 months and the impact of the campaign will be evaluated on a weekly basis (Hemmilä, 2016). Efforts will be taken to ensure that there is progress being made and the current consumer interest is maintained.

  Ultimately, there must be increase in sales. The purchase of a car is an important decision and also is a very costly decision that the consumer needs to make. Owing to this, the sales of the car are the actual tangible impact that the brand promotion needs to reflect. The other intangibles are the increased website traffic to the social media pages.

  There will also be optional surveys asked to the people if they wish to participate. Since the content in itself is based on the user reviews, this will be reduced (Smith and Taylor, 2004). The number of new user accounts will serve to be an important indicator. The potential buyers will be notified of the sales promotions of the company.

  Purchase of a Car is a long-term decision for majority of the people. In addition to which, the sales will be measured in terms towards the end of the years. However, there will be a number of promotional efforts taken to ensure that the buzz for the product remains throughout the year.

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