
代写 英文:市场营销组合

代写 英文:市场营销组合

在本节中,重点将着眼于公司为满足其基于市场的目标客户的需求而采用的市场组合。Kotler等人(2013)认为,市场营销组合可以通过营销策略工具集来定义,包括促销、产品、价格和地点,组织可以将这些工具集混合在一起,从而在目标市场中产生它所需要的响应(Sheth et al., 2015)。Kotler等人提到的包含价格、产品、地点和促销的4个要素被称为4P框架。产品:公司,暴雪娱乐沉迷于设计和建立基于网络的娱乐电脑系统软件。他们的主要焦点是基于网络的令人兴奋的电子游戏开发和娱乐,如角色扮演是可能的游戏,如暗黑系列或魔兽世界。

代写 英文:市场营销组合
此外,他们还沉迷于与著名的交易卡游戏公司合作,创造自己的个人在线交易卡游戏,使他们能够在网络游戏领域以外的目标市场拓展自己的市场(Goworek et al., 2015)。暴雪娱乐创造了至上的自然或游戏和一个虚拟的环境,玩家可以通过以一种令人满意的方式完成基本的需求,并获得直接的结果,成功的经验以一种社交的方式连接到相关的玩家和顾客的满意度。这些都为公司的客户提供了非常实用的产品,非常感谢。暴雪也一直沉迷于围绕所有已经发布的游戏创造深入自然的历史和故事情节。

代写 英文:市场营销组合

Within this section, focus will be on looking at the market mix that the company has employed to satisfy the requirement of their market based target customers. According to Kotler et al. (2013), marketing mix can be defined through tactical tools sets of marketing inclusive of promotion, product, price and place which the organization blends for producing the responses it requires in the targeted market (Sheth et al., 2015). The 4 elements referred to by Kotler et al., inclusive of price, product, place and promotion is known as the framework of 4P. Product: The Company, Blizzard Entertainment indulges in designing and building web based entertainments for computer system software. Their key focus is over exciting web based video games development and entertainment such as games in which role playing is possible such as the Diablo series or World of Warcraft.

代写 英文:市场营销组合
In addition, they also indulged in partnering with famous companies trading card games for creating their individual online trading card game which allowed them in expanding their market at target external to the online gamers realm (Goworek et al., 2015). With the Blizzard entertainment creating supreme nature or games and a virtual environment where players have the ability of fulfilling basic requirements through doing work in a satisfactory manner with direct results, success experiences connect in a social manner with the related players and satisfaction felt by the customers. All these have provided product of great usage by the company to the customers which are much appreciated. Blizzard also has consistently indulged in creating history of in-depth nature and storyline around all their games which have been published as well.