

  The physical property condition of Opps had to be improved. The most important factor for a business is the physical property. It basically defines the sustenance of the company or the industry. The actual property is the tangible property that the consumers can feel and touch. It has been found that any destination has a certain ‘wow’ factor that is used to attract the consumers. The attractive feature can range from aesthetical beauty of the place or the location or the proximity to fun activities in the location. The businesses fundamentally sustain on the physical property. These physical properties can be the natural formation or the natural beauty of the place or it could be a constructed form of amusement of a place. The maintenance of the physical property essential tells the consumers to expect the service they can gain from the hotel. Secondly, renovations were necessary given that most of the customers felt that the hotel was out of trend.

  By lowering expenses, Opps can have more cash to spend. The capital expenses or the debt incurred by the company for the operational procedures can be paid. The company can invest in more innovative procedures or focus on improving the quality of services. By having an effective policy, there can be lesser abuse for the company and there will be more accountability of the processes. It enables the company to have better records of the events. It will be easier to maintain accountability and the company can assess and evaluate the costs incurred for each operation. There will also be more effective functioning of the company by having an effective policy in place. These are the benefits of cost control and efficient function for Opps in the future.

  Opps has to work on its renovations in batches. For now, it would not be able to work on expansions because of the high level of costs associated with it. Cost control hence clearly is a major issue for the company. Some of the methods that the businesses in general do are developing innovative technology and use robust newer technology to reduce the costs of the operation. Secondly, companies hire the right people for the job to ensure that there is reduction of the capital expenses and more productivity within the resources that are available. The new management should invest in both in order to help Opps succeed in its strategies.

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