

为了寻找熟练的劳动力,招聘经理必须有一个良好的网络和招聘专家和更多。在当今时代,口碑营销是关键,即使是离开公司的员工也必须有良好的工作经验。他们对公司的口头推荐将意味着公司将有更多的接触到有技能的资源池,因此将有更好的竞争优势。为了留住技术工人,应该在工作场所实施激励策略(Callan, 1993)。在认真了解员工需求的基础上,必须实施激励策略体系。



In order to source skilled labour, the recruitment managers must have a good network with recruitment specialists and more. Word of mouth marketing is key in current times, and even employees who leave the company must be let go with a good experience. Their word of mouth recommendations about the company will mean that company would have more reach into skilled source pools and hence would have a better competitive advantage.In order to retain skilled labor, there should be motivational strategies implemented in the workplace (Callan, 1993). Based on a careful understanding of the needs of the workers, the motivational strategy system must be implemented.

In addition, the lack of career advancement is often a single specific cause employees cite when they leave a company and hence this issue must be addressed by means of career development strategies or succession planning. Staffing in Kybram could be managed by temporary staff, or till the staff from the branch that is closing can be sent to the site (assuming there is a geographic distance). Instead of local staff, the company can bring its own employee setup to the site by relocation.