

從根本上說,需要對COX酶進行分析,以了解藥物的生物合成途徑。 COX 1和COX 2是一種酶,存在於身體的許多部位。 COX 1被認為是組成酶。這意味著無論外部環境如何,它們都具有相同的構成。 COX 1酶存在於腎臟、胃和血小板中(G Perrone, 2010),而COX 2位於巨噬細胞、白細胞和成纖維細胞中(Dhir等,2006)。另一方面,COX 2被認為是可降解酶。它們被發現是在嚴格需要的基礎上創建的。 COX 2是人體對疼痛或組織損傷的自然反應。嚴格地說,它們是根據身體內部的需要而產生的(Seibert和Masferrer, 1993)。 COX 1總是由身體持續產生。考克斯2不是這樣。 COX 2的濃度在組織損傷或事故發生時顯著(Yamamoto, and Nozaki-Taguchi,1996)。它們也存在於炎症部位。這些COX酶也存在於胃的前列腺素襯里中(Seibert et al., 1997)。

它們在前列腺素的花生四烯類生物合成中起著重要作用。這一途徑在炎症反應中起著關鍵作用。 COX酶在生物合成過程中負責花生四烯酸轉化為前列腺素G2 (PGG2), PGG2轉化為前列腺素H2 (PGH2)。這僅僅意味著COX酶在引起疼痛中起著核心作用。 COX酶有許多有效的功能。它們被發現在處理超緊張時是有用的(Solomon, Schneeweiss, Levin, and Avorn, 2004)。他們被發現增加血管舒張功能。從而增加血液流量,降低血壓。 NSAID(非甾體抗炎藥物)被發現同時與COX 1和COX 2酶反應(Knights, Mangoni, and miner, 2010)。他們被發現是有效的COX抑製劑的身體。 COX抑製劑分為三類。研究發現,第一類包括COX-1和COX-2的快速競爭性可逆結合。


Fundamentally COX enzymes need to be analyzed to understand about the biosynthesis pathways of the drug. COX 1 and Cox 2 is enzyme that is found in many parts of the body. COX 1 is considered to be constitutive enzymes. This means that they will be found to have the same constitution irrespective of the external surroundings. COX 1 enzymes are found in kidney, stomach and platelets (G Perrone, 2010) On the other hand COX 2 is located in macrophages, leukocytes and fibroblasts (Dhir et al., 2006). COX 2 on the other hand is considered to be indusable enzymes. They are found to be created on a strictly need to be basis. COX 2 are natural reaction of the body to the pain or tissue damage. They are strictly produced at a need to be basis within the body (Seibert and Masferrer, 1993). COX 1 is always produced in a continual basis by the body. This is not the case with COX 2. The concentration of COX 2 is found pronounced during the times of tissue damages or accidents (Yamamoto, and Nozaki-Taguchi,1996). They are also found in inflammatory sites. These COX enzymes are also found in the prostaglandin lining of the stomach (Seibert et al., 1997).

They play a central role in the Arachidonic biosynthesis of prostaglandin. This pathway plays a key role in inflammatory actions. COX enzymes are responsible for the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin G2 (PGG2) and PGG2 to prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) in the biosynthesis pathway. This simply means that the COX enzymes play a central role in causing pain. There are numerous effective functions for the COX enzymes. They are found to be useful in dealing with hypertensions (Solomon, Schneeweiss, Levin, and Avorn, 2004). They are found to increase the vasodilators function. Thereby increasing blood flow and reducing blood pressure. NSAID (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory drugs) are found to react with both COX 1 and COX 2 enzymes (Knights, Mangoni, and Miners, 2010). They are found to be effective COX inhibitors of the body. COX inhibitors are of three categories. It has been found that the Category 1 encompasses rapid competitive reversible binding of COX-1 and COX-2.