


The above situation of an advertisement and a reward is not so simple when considered based on different legal contexts, meaning the situation might decide how the law is being interpreted. Consider a simple example presented in a research article. Assume for the sake of discussion that a person John owns a dog. Now the dog has disappeared and John has advertised that anybody that can provide John with some information on where to find the dog will be rewarded. If the advertisement is to be treated in the legal sense, it goes without saying that the person who views the advertisement and who presents John with some information on where the dog is would be rewarded by John once he finds the dog based on the shared information. However, the case scenario need not be so straightforward. Every one of the action does not lead to another. Consider for argument, that a person Peter finds the dog and he brings the dog back to John. Now the question will arise as to whether John should reward Peter. The question might not arise ethically or morally.
In either case, since Peter helped John and returned his dog back to him and since John had set out the reward for the person who finds and restores the dog anyways, John would give away the reward to Peter. However, in the legal context, there can be many questions. Firstly, Peter has not seen the advertisement, so in essence he might not be responding to the advertisement, so would this mean Peter has not entered into the contract with John through the rewards advertisement? What are the legal entities that can be discovered here and what framework will appropriately capture the legal obligations or the lack of it becomes a significant issue to understand here. Understanding these forms of questions are also a motivation for the research.Different legal systems in different countries approach the problem based on whether or not a legal relationship is necessary (as in the case of a contract) or whether a promise made has to be carried out, no matter what (as in the case of a unilateral doctrine). The reward is a declaration made to the public. When a declaration is made promising a sum of money or something, then some legal systems state that the person who performs the act advertised is automatically entitled to the reward.