

在這本書中,分析了克爾凱郭爾的哲學觀與現場音樂概念的關係。塞尼辛畫的有趣的一面是把克爾凱郭爾的哲學與現場音樂聯繫起來。 Senyshyn曾經討論過,主觀性和美學如何為藝術家的現場音樂表演提供洞見。克爾凱郭爾哲學詳細論述了客觀性與主體性之間的細微差別。個體的主體性觀念和對真理的認識是不同的。同樣的概念也適用於現場音樂領域。 Senyshyn有效地把這兩者聯繫起來。在討論藝術的主觀闡釋概念時,一直存在著一些令人困惑的概念和問題需要解決。這使得娛樂方面的藝術非常困難。藝術家需要在個人創造力和社會娛樂需求之間取得平衡。在履行和義務之間存在著一種負擔。這方面可能是最困難的方面,需要解決的個別藝術家和作曲家。 《塞尼辛》有趣而耐人尋味的一面是對錶演藝術家實際困難的描述。這讓藝術家、老師和學生在追求自己的音樂天賦時感到困惑。



In this book, there has been analysis made about the philosophical outlook of Kierkegaard’s Philosophy in relation to the notions of live music. Interesting aspect that Senyshyn has drawn is connecting the philosophy of Kierkegaard in live music. There has been discussion made by Senyshyn as to how subjectivity and aesthetics provides insights into the live music performance by the artist. Kierkegaard philosophy discusses in detail about how the subtle difference between objectivity and subjectivity. Subjectivity notions and perceptions of truth are different in individuals. These same notions can be applied to the field of live music. Senyshyn has effectively drawn this connection. There have been perplexing concepts and issues that need to be addressed while discussing about the concepts of subjective interpretation of arts. This makes entertainment aspects of the arts very difficult. There is a need for artists to balance between individual creativity and societal need for entertainment. There is a burden that exists between performance and obligations. This aspect is probably the toughest aspect that needs to be addressed by the individual artist and composers. The interesting and intriguing aspect of Senyshyn is the portrayal of the practical difficulties of the performing artist. This essentially confounds the artist, teachers and students to pursue their musical talents.

This coverage made by Senyshyn is very practical and relatable. This extensive coverage and intrinsic detail discussed by the author makes an artist understand the realities of the situation. By analyzing these theories put forward by Senyshyn it is expected that there will be individual growth. A musical composer is conventionally thought to be a person who is severe and formal. They are expected to work in serious situation. Author discusses how composers are traditionally thought of as people who are serious and very cerebral. Nevertheless it is not true. Beethoven has his unique quirks when constructing music. Musical composers in reality are not confined to any rules and regulations. This causes them to stifle creativity. They feel that their creative persona gets stifled in the process of rules and regulations. This is the rationale behind creative people not being able to relate to the conformities and rules of the society. There is also an effective argument put forward by the author in order to explain the need for rules and regulation. It helps people and society to remain civilized and there are many specific attributes of the rules that enable the society to function properly in an orderly fashion.