


问责制 – 这个特定的标准是最重要的标准,因为它提供了监管机构透明的运营方式和他们产生的结果的质量的完整视图。负责任的监管机构还根据其产生的结果进行评估,这些结果告诉公众他们选择政府的决定,同时也对监管机构的缺点,意图,能力和愿意提供强制性要求进行教育。英国的监管框架简单而透明,并提供了所涉及流程的清晰形象。绿色协议是一项重大改革,为公民评估家园和编写报告以利用绿色协议金融设施(,2014)。

绿色交易融资的这一概念是公民利用金融和装备家庭和办公室以提高能源效率的一种主要手段。这种首先提供免费融资,然后通过分期付款将其从客户手中收回的方法是一种新颖的方法,并显示监管机构的真正透明运作。在政府双重并且有联盟伙伴的情况下,可能很难对其行动作出明确的评估。在英国,天然气和能源管理办公室(OFGEM)是一个独立机构,并有权通过其在天然气和电力行业的权力作出决定。 OFGEM设法承诺建立一个承认OFGEM为独立监管机构并为能源部门提供独立经济监管的框架(OFGEM review,2011)。监管机构还鼓励开放参与能源行业和竞争环境,以帮助消费者获得最低利率。这种观点对消费者来说是必要的和巨大的价值,但也可能由于参与者人数较多而导致较低的问责性。


Accountability—This particular criteria is the most important one as it offers a full view of the regulators transparent method of operations and the quality of results they produce. The accountable regulator is also assessed by the results they produce which tells the public about their decision of choosing the government and also educates then about the regulators shortcomings, its intent, ability, and willingness to deliver the mandated requests. UK’s regulatory framework is simple and transparent, and provides a clear image of the processes involved. The Green Deal is a major reform which offers the citizens to assess their homes and generate a report in order to avail of the Green deal finance facility (, 2014).

This concept of Green deal finance is a major tool for citizens to avail of the finance and equip their homes and offices in ways which increases their energy efficiencies. This method of offering free finance upfront and then collecting it from the customers through installments in their energy bill is a novel approach and displays a genuine transparent operation of the regulator. In instances when the governments are dual and have a coalition partner, it may be difficult to produce a clear assessment of their actions. In the UK, the Office of Gas and Energy Management (OFGEM) is an independent body, and has the right to take decisions through its powers in the gas and electricity sectors. OFGEM has managed to commit itself to a framework which recognizes OFGEM as an independent regulator and also providing an independent economic regulation for the energy sector (OFGEM review, 2011). The regulator has also encouraged open participation in the energy sector and an environment of competition to help get the lowest rates to consumers. This perspective is necessary and of immense value for the consumers, but it is also possible to have low accountability due to more number of participants.