





The external world skepticism that Descartes presents is to understand that things in the external world might not always appear to be what they are. Things in the external world might be perceived by a person in a certain way. However, where the evil demon argument is true, then it could be said that the evil demon leads people to perceive them that way. Where the evil demon has led to perceptions, then the perception itself cannot be true, thus it is necessary to have doubts on them. Anything in the external world would then have to be doubted, except for the self, the mind of the person and others that are derived from these states.

Skepticism in the context of the demon arises because of the defeater argument. The defeater argument is where when a piece of information that is true provides good reason to doubt some claim that otherwise seems true. Here the skeptic mode in the person stands to question whether everything they have believed to be true till now, could actually not be true because of the piece of information that has come to light.