


Speed/thrash metal是朋克文化的混合体,而金属音乐被认为是极快的,以至于它的粗糙和苛刻。与打击乐相结合,这首歌通常有一个非常快的节奏。几乎所有这种金属风格的歌曲都被卷入了宗教争议。有一些代表挑战传统宗教,这些形式的重金属也将争议推入商品,并与之一起销售。这对娱乐重金属乐观众是必要的。例如,正如作家菲利普斯和科根在他们的书中所指出的,“研究重金属音乐的主要问题之一,不仅是音乐家在演奏金属的同时创造了什么,而且是观众如何与音乐互动,以及他们从音乐中创造了什么意义……”[英语泛读材料含义的常识和有时价值被观众与所谓的文化或亚文化资本共享。


比如《铁娘子》的《野兽的数量》(Number of the Beast),专辑封面就描绘了一件牛仔夹克。这种颜色的牛仔夹克被认为是正在成长的金属亚文化的一部分,这是粉丝们可以接触到的东西。因此,在这里创建了亲属关系的价值。专辑封面印在了夹克上,粉丝们也通过穿上它来展示他们的热情。这是一种共同效忠的形式,更像是一种邪教。现在,研究人员认为重金属的作用类似于邪教,尤其是在他们如何推动歌迷通过歌曲中原始的情感与他们联系的问题上。事实上,那些商业化金属的人被称为假金属,他们不受欢迎。另一方面,真正的重金属是利用生动的意象,混合金属的成分如速度和画眉以及不成文的规定也应该受到批评。


Speed/thrash metal was a mix of punk culture, and metal music that was considered as being extremely fast to the point it was abrasive and demanding. Combined with Thrash, there is usually a very fast tempo to the song. Almost all of the songs of this style of metal have been pulled up into religious controversies. There are representations that challenges conventional religion and these form of heavy metals pushed the controversy into merchandise that was sold with them as well. This was necessary to keep the heavy metal audience entertained. For instance, as authors Phillips and Cogan present in their book, “One of the main questions to examine in studying heavy metal is not only what musicians create while playing metal but also how the audience engages with the music and what meanings they create from the music […] common sense of meanings and sometimes values are shared by audiences with what can be called cultural, or subcultural, capital”.

In the case of the Iron Maiden’s ‘Number of the Beast’ for instance, the album cover portrayed a denim jacket. The painted denim jacket is something that was considered as part of the metal subculture that was growing and this was something that a fan audience base would be able to connect with. A shared value of kinship is hence created here. The album cover was printed on jackets and fans also showed their enthusiasm by wearing it. This was a form of shared allegiance, more like a cult. Now it is argued by researchers that heavy metal operated akin to a cult especially in how they pushed fans to connect with them through raw emotions in songs. In fact, those who commercialized metal were called the false metals and they were disliked upon. True Heavy metal on the other hand was one which made use of vivid imagery, the components of mixed metal such as the speed and thrush and in unwritten rules should also invite criticism.