




The disciplinary procedures have been stated in the code of practice that consists of general guidelines to be applied in the setting of work place (HSE, 2013). This helps in promoting the best practices in providing impact over these types of procedures. This code has been outlining the principles related fair procedures for the employees and employers in general. It is of specific importance to certain situations of basic representation.
While arrangements are made to handle issues of grievance and discipline that have certain variations in a considerable manner from different employment (Labour Research Department, 2005). These are highly dependent on a number of different factors that include the terms stated in contracts of employment, procedures that have been locally agreed, agreements of industry and whether unions of trade are identified for the purposes of bargaining, the procedures and principles of this particular code of practice.

The application of these should be done until or unless alternate agreed procedures are present within the work setting which contribute in conforming towards the general provision to deal with issues of discipline and grievance.
It has been stated that the disciplinary and grievance procedures have contributed in bringing certain benefits. With respect to this legislation, employees, specifically those within the settings of work place as this have contributed in providing the ability of raising the grievance with the employers and for being accompanied by a rep of trade union or an employee when this is being done (Barrett, 2000). This has contributed in providing assistance to the employees in order to access their statutory rights in employment, which had otherwise been ignored by the employers and has resulted in reducing the requirement for claims to the tribunals of employment.