

零售空间,故意短时间开放(Niehm et al,2006)。根据CEBR的研究报告,英国的弹出式商店被定义为用于在有限的时间内销售商品和服务的临时商店,摊位或品牌体验。它包括从市场摊位和街头小吃摊到时尚商店,画廊,咖啡馆和酒吧的一切。这些弹出式商店近年来越来越受欢迎,而传统和更广泛的零售业由于金融危机和经济衰退之后的消费需求下降而一直面临压力。大量的传统零售商店已经在英国的大街上倒闭。根据Springboard的报告,高街人流量同比下降0.6%,商店空置率从2008年的5.4%上升到2014年的10.3%。相反,Pop-Up商店已经成为重要的针对许多零售商/时尚品牌的实验性营销工具。据报道这种零售模式不断流行并吸引消费者。本文的目的是讨论这些弹出式商店是否有可能重振英国的高街,否则这些高街将面临流量减少和店铺空置率高企的问题。

几年前,弹出式商店是一种新的零售趋势,一种填补空置商场空间的解决方案。但今天,Pop-Ups正在成为遏制英国高街衰落的手段。他们现在是一个建立和创新的零售工具。有令人信服的消费者回到高街(零售周,2014)。此外,弹出式商店为顾客创造了一个零售空间,以“与品牌进行独特的个性化互动。” (Kim等,2010)。除了可以通过行业和政府的大力支持来解决的小挑战之外,弹出式零售业正成为重要的体验式营销工具。这个零售模式肯定有可能再次振兴英国的高街。


Pop-up retail, also known as pop-up store, itinerant retail or guerrilla store, is a temporary
retail space, intentionally opened for a short period of time (Niehm et al, 2006). As per study report of CEBR, UK a pop-up store is defined as a temporary shop, stall or brand experience used to sell goods and services for a limited period of time. It includes everything from market stalls and street food vendors, to fashion shops, galleries, cafés and bars. These Pop-up shops have been gaining popularity in recent years whereas the traditional and wider retail sector has been under constant pressure due to decreased consumer demand in the aftermath of the financial crisis and recession. A large number of traditional retails shops have closed down on the UK high streets. According to Springboard’s report, high-street footfall has dropped by 0.6% year-on-year and shop vacancy rates have increased from 5.4% in 2008 to 10.3% in 2014. On the contrary, Pop-Up stores have been emerging as an important experimental marketing tool for many retailers/ fashion brands. This retail model is reported continuously becoming popular and attracting consumers. The aim of this paper is to discuss whether these pop-up stores have the potential to revitalise UK high streets which are otherwise facing decreased footfalls and high shop vacancy rates.
Factors Supporting Growth of Pop-Up Stores in UK high Streets and Major Challenges in their Path

Several years ago, pop-up stores were a new retail trend, a solution to filling space in emptying malls. But today, Pop-Ups are emerging as means of halting the decline of the British high street. They are now an established and innovative retail tool. There are compelling consumers to return to the high street (Retail Week, 2014). In addition, pop-up store creates a retail space for the customer to “have unique, personalized interactions with the brand.” (Kim et al, 2010). Beside small challenges, which can be resolved by larger support from industry and government, pop-up retail is emerging out as an important experiential marketing tool. This retail model surely has the potential to revitalise the UK high streets again.