


工程师应向利益相关者传达真实的信息,并应作为忠实的代理人和受托人向雇主或客户(Borenstein & Arkin, 2016)。要求工程师确保自己不沉迷于欺诈活动,因为它可能导致对方以货币和非货币的形式遭受损失。工程师应在工作中确保公平、诚实、公平、公正,为客户提供服务,以保障公众的安全、福利和健康。工程师的职责是只从事他们能胜任的工作。当工程师获得专业资格时,他们需要承担或执行任务。工程师应维护客户提供的信息的机密性和隐私性,在得到客户同意之前不应披露。工程师应该在不批评其他工程师的情况下抓住就业机会,不以错误的方式呈现其他工程师的做法(Burgess, 2017)。


工程师应该遵守道德规范,因为它有助于防止组织中员工之间发生冲突。除此之外,它还强调重视整个组织的利益,而不是个人的目标。这有助于提高公司的整体绩效,并在公司的利益相关者之间建立信任。工程师有必要以真实的方式开展这些活动,为接受者提供最大的货物。如果工程师以诚实的态度履行他们的职责,那么这可能会改善公司的品牌形象,客户会被这样的组织所吸引,并愿意支付溢价,因为它为他们创造了价值(Kirkman, 2017)。

除此之外,工程师应该为那些其服务被用来有效地满足其客户需求的个人或企业提供适当的信用。同时,工程师也需要为客户提供真实的建议,而不是误导客户去实现他们的个人目标,因为这会降低利益相关者之间的信任。工程师们的实践和遵守道德规范导致了公共福利的提升,因为他们为该地区的基础设施发展做出了重大贡献(Kirkman, 2017)。

Engineers should communicate the truthful information to the stakeholders and should act as a faithful agent and trustees to an employer or client (Borenstein & Arkin, 2016). Engineers are required to ensure that they should not indulge in the fraudulent activities as it may result in incurrence of the loss to the other party in the form of monetary and non-monetary terms. Engineers should provide services to its clients by ensuring fairness, honesty, equity and impartiality in the work for the purpose of protection of safety, welfare and health of the public. It is the duty of the engineers to perform only those activities in which they are competent. Engineers need to take or carry on the assignments when they attain a professional qualification. Engineers should maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the information provided by the customers and should not disclose it until the consent is taken from them. Engineers should grab the employment opportunity without exhibiting criticism for other engineers and does not present the practice of other engineers in a false manner (Burgess, 2017).

Impact of engineering ethics at workplace

Engineers should adhere with the ethical practices as it helps in prevention of the conflict that occurs among the employees in the organization. Besides this, it also emphasizes on giving importance to the interest of the organization as a whole rather than on individual goals. This helps in improving the overall performance of the companies and results in building trust among the stakeholders of the company towards it. It is necessary for the engineers to carry out those activities in a truthful manner that provides greatest goods to the recipient. If engineers perform their duties in a truthful manner, then it may result in improving the brand image of the company and the customers are attracted towards such organizations and ready to pay premium prices as it creates value for them (Kirkman, 2017).

Besides this, engineers should provide proper credit to the person or business whose services are being used to fulfill the requirements of its customers in an effective manner. It is also a requirement of the engineers to provide true advice to the customers and does not mislead them for fulfilling their individual goal as it results in lowering of the trust among the stakeholders towards it. The practice and adherence of the ethics by the engineers results in the upliftment of the public welfare as they contribute in the significant manner towards the infrastructure development in the region (Kirkman, 2017).
