


美国的人力资源管理实践模式不能在德国的背景下实施,因为人力资源管理实践构成了德国制度环境的核心部分。然而,德国的商业体系对人力资源管理的原则并不具有争议性。相反,德国的商业体系必须根据德国社会经济体系的需求和约束来调整这些人力资源管理的政策和实践(Festing, 2012, p, 41)。与初步职业培训、集体谈判和共同决定有关的劳动力市场机构需要一种多元的人力资源管理方式。在上述机构的支持下,人力资源管理原则得到了有效的实施,而其他原则则受到抑制。德国甚至与其他欧洲国家的人力资源管理模式有一些共同的特点。它还采用了美国采用的一些战略人力资源实践,这些实践被称为美国以外的最佳实践(Ehnert, Harry, and Zink, 2013)。

在德国,管理决策是在制度环境中有效制定的,但该国接受当前的管理范式,如人力资源管理哲学。德国独特地处理人力资源管理的想法,这是密切相关的机构的劳动力市场。与自由市场的美国经济相比,德国企业是在高度结构化的制度环境下进行经营活动的。管理自主权受到德国三大劳动力市场机构共同决定、集体谈判和初始职业培训的制约(Grund, and Martin, 2012, p. 3542)。这就是为什么在德国人力资源管理的一元论风格的应用受到阻碍的原因。对于德国公司,还有劳资委员会。如果组织的变化会影响到工作人员,则由工作理事会在其广泛的共同决定权的帮助下有效地处理。


The United States style of HRM practices cannot be implemented in the German context as human resource management practices form a core part of the institutional environment of the country. However, the business system of Germany is not argumentative to the principles of human resource management. Instead, the German business system has to adapt these policies and practices of HRM as per the demands and constraints of the socio-economic system of Germany (Festing, 2012, p, 41). A pluralist style of human resource management is required by the labour market institutions related to initial vocational training, collective bargaining and co-determination. With the support of the above mentioned institutions, the HRM principles are effectively implemented while others are inhibited.Germany even shares some features of the models of human resource management adopted in other European countries. It also adopts some of the strategic human resource practices adopted by United States that are well known as the best practices beyond United States (Ehnert, Harry, and Zink, 2013).

In Germany, managerial decisions are efficiently framed in the institutional environment but the country is receptive to current managerial paradigms like the HRM philosophy. Germany deals uniquely with HRM ideas that are closely related with the institutions of the labor market.In comparison with the US economy with free market, the German companies perform their operations in the highly structured institutional environment. The managerial autonomy is restricted by three major labor market institutions in Germany, which are co-determination, collective bargaining and initial vocational training (Grund, and Martin, 2012, p. 3542). This is the reason because of which the application of the unitarist style of HRM is hindered in Germany. For the German companies there are works council. In case instances of organizational changes that will affect the workforce are dealt effectively by the works council with the help of its extensive co-determination rights.