




它需要考虑电影中以上的科学,它们来自两个不同的序列。电影中的一些场景看起来完全是刻板的,因为观众确实接触到了这样一个国家的文化信息:1)女人不能自我驾驶,2)中东女人裹着罩袍,她们不能在公共场合炫耀西方服饰。现在,尽管电影制作人在Wadjda也提出了同样的观点,但这不能被视为刻板印象,因为它们是沙特阿拉伯的规则和规定,确实限制女性开车。加西亚(2013年)饰演的导演海法阿·曼苏尔(Haifaa Al Mansour)是一个“不像大多数沙特女性,也不像现在的大多数沙特女性那样,把头或脸遮起来,她也不是被塑造成一个女孩。”毫无疑问,阿尔曼苏尔代表了沙特社会拒绝传统生活方式的一部分”(第34页)。根据Garcia(2013)的说法,尽管她是自由的,但导演已经开始表现传统文化的主要观念,这些观念仍然强加给女性,并被大地上的女性所遵循,除非有某种形式的无法改变的革命性挑战。因此,场景再现仍然是这个国家大多数妇女日常生活的一部分。

Sometimes, this balance and conflict find itself into a scene. It needs to look at the below pictures from a scene sequence in the movie. This is the introductory scene to Wadjda. Elements of the mise-en-scene come into play to allow a peek into the rather conservative culture of the land.

The setting looks heavily shrouded. There are dark grey curtains which give the appearance of a theatre but do not look lively. The children are dressed in grey and their uniforms almost touch the ground adding to the heavily shrouded atmosphere. The hair is most held back with one girl as an exception and it reveals the conservative value of the country as well. Some of the girls are reciting the Quran and some look bored, which is quite typical of school age behaviour. The lighting is dark, and the general mood made is however something stricter than a school atmosphere. The absence of other brighter colours adds to the intrigue of the scene, and it reminds the audience of the strict traditions governing the land that encourages stricter upbringing of young girls. When Wadjda waves to another girl who is sent to a corner and is seen fidgeting with her toes, this scene reflects the light subtly indicating that everybody is not content to continue to maintain the shadows of their culture.

It needs to consider the above sciences in the movie which are from two different sequences. Some scenes in the movie appear to be downright stereotypical, as the audience is indeed exposed to such cultural information of the land where 1) women cannot self-drive, 2) women of the middle-east are shrouded in their burka and they cannot show off western attire in public. Now although the movie maker has presented the same in Wadjda, it cannot be rejected as stereotype, because they are rules and regulations in Saudi Arabia that indeed restricts women from driving. The director Haifaa Al Mansour, as represented by Garcia (2013), is someone who “does not cover her head or face, as most Saudi women, as most Saudi women do now, nor was she made to as a girl. No doubt Al Mansour, represents a segment of Saudi society that rejected the traditional way of life” (p. 34). In spite of her freedom, according to Garcia (2013), the director has set out to represent the major notions on traditional culture that is still imposed on women and followed by women of the land, unless there is some form of a revolutionary challenge that cannot be changed. Hence, the scene representations are still a part of the daily life of most women in the country.
