
essay 評判:雨水收集的作用

essay 評判:雨水收集的作用
由於雨水被認為是最純淨的水源之一,雨水收集過程得到了廣泛的接受。雨水的質量被認為優於地面或地表水。雨水直接來自天空。因此,水不會與地球上的土壤或岩石接觸。因此,雨水不含有許多污染物,這些污染物與地表水一起溶解,並污染公共地下水供應(Borghi, Akiyama, Fabbri, Nishijima & Ribani, 2013, p. 456)。在這一過程中,技術發揮了關鍵作用,因為它改變了供水和水質的動態。現代水處理技術工具和應用的使用降低了水淨化成本。然而,在雨水收集過程中,雨水的質量取決於降雨的位置。
例如,在工業區或作物除塵區,雨水的純度受到質疑(Jin & Hu, 2010, p. 361)。此外,雨水的柔軟性質可以顯著降低用於清潔和沐浴目的的洗滌劑和肥皂的用量。此外,在有大雨的地區,肥皂渣不會發生。因此,在水處理和過濾過程中不需要軟水劑(Cagman, Coban, Eyidogan, Kilic & Kaya, 2015, p. 47)。此外,水管是乾淨的,沒有沉積物。因此,水質更加優越。雨水收集的漣漪效應在農業增長中是顯而易見的。農民在經濟上和社會上都獲得了好處。

essay 評判:雨水收集的作用

The rain water harvesting process has gained widespread acceptance since rainwater is considered as one of the purest sources of water. The quality of rain water is considered superior over ground or surface water. The rain water comes directly from the sky. Therefore, the water does not come in contact with soil or rocks on earth. Thus, rain water is free from many of the pollutants that get dissolved with surface water and contaminate ground water supply made to public (Borghi, Akiyama, Fabbri, Nishijima & Ribani, 2013, p. 456). In the process, technology has played a pivotal role as it has transformed dynamics of both water supply and water quality. The use of modern water treatment technological tools and applications has resulted in decrease in water purification costs. However, in the rain water harvesting process, quality of rain water depends upon where the water falls.
For example, in industrial areas or crop dusting regions, purity of rain water comes under question (Jin & Hu, 2010, p. 361). In addition, the soft nature of rain water can significantly lower the quantum of detergents and soaps required for cleaning and bathing purposes. Moreover, in areas where there is heavy rainfall, soap scum does not occur. Thus, there is non-requirement of water softener in the water treatment and filtration process (Cagman, Coban, Eyidogan, Kilic & Kaya, 2015, p. 47). Besides, water pipes are clean and free from deposits. Therefore, water quality is even more superior. The ripple effect of rain water harvesting is visible in agricultural growth. The farmers have gained both on financial and social front on back of use of mechanism in the sector.