

  Constant reminder of the external and internal crisis possibility to the employees and partners is a novel way of exercising the extent of readiness of the company to become resilient (Paliwoda, Andrews and Chen, 2013).

  Accepting that a crisis could arrive unannounced makes the preparatory process embraceable by most employees. Acceptance and amendment are processes that can build organisational resilience to an extent that is capable of defending organisational decline.

  Keeping the organisational culture and structure in such a way that disallows any breeding of unethical internal practices could deter most avoidable crisis, such as the Tesco accounting scandal.

  Resilience mechanisms must not be a management level tool, but be imbibed in each employee’s conduct, as if it becomes an area of concern before each employee action, and every action considers all eventualities (Pride, 2017). This makes the crisis deterrence more often than occasional.

  Being mindful of all crisis and its elimination comes with the gifts of a crisis-free environment. Being mindful can make resilience implementation practical, flexible, and also strengthen its probability of surpassing the crisis. This must be made into an organisational culture.

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