


良好的沟通技巧是个人销售的核心。个人卖家必须能够使用各种问题从买家那里获取信息。例如,在“捆绑问题”中,问题的目的是确认消费者是否需要某样东西;一个例子是:你确实想要这个产品,不是吗?然后是引导问题,这是一种询问参与者何时会被营销人员领导的技巧。市场人员将问题以一种让买家共享信息的方式反馈给买家。为了迫使消费者在犹豫不决时做出选择,他们会使用替代问题(Ingram et al . 2007)。营销人员不应该强迫他人,道德权利必须得到尊重。共享的信息必须是真实的,营销人员也应该确保产品的信息是最新的。确认、澄清、包容和过渡风格是更多的提问风格(Weitz, & Bradford, 1999)。在个人销售中,营销人员必须有非常好的产品数据;他们应该正确地了解他们的材料,因为这将有助于示范销售。他们应该为产品建立适当的展示氛围,也应该让以前满意的客户写的推荐信为新的客户群体做好准备。

这需要良好的组织能力。个人销售的另一种方法可以是刺激反应的形式,销售者可以对客户使用相同的演示。问题解决方法是通过考虑客户的最佳适合方案来扩展基于需求的客户满意度(Ingram et al, 2007)。良好的倾听技巧是市场营销者所需要的,这将有助于当买方提出任何担忧或反对。提出反对意见通常是因为购买者有某种困惑,所以听取购买者的意见是至关重要的。说到倾听,最重要的一点是,市场人员或销售人员不应打断买方的陈述。在这个程度上,他们不应该对他们将要听到的内容做出任何形式的假设。一旦他们让买方完成了他们的谈判,卖方才应该开始谈判。他们应该采取一种策略,从同意然后反驳,或质疑反对意见,或预先阻止根据情况提出的反对意见(Ingram et al, 2007)。


Good communication skills are core to personal selling. The personal seller must be able to use a variety of questions to draw information from the buyer. For instance, in the case of the ‘Tie down question’, the objective of the question is to confirm if the consumer will need something; an example would be: You do want the product, don’t you? Then, there comes the leading questions which is a technique of questioning when the participant will be led by the marketer. The marketer feeds the questions to the buyer in a way that makes them share information. Alternative questions would be used in order to force consumers into making a selection when they are just about hesitating (Ingram et al 2007). A marketer should never coerce the person and ethical rights have to be respected. Information shared must be genuine and the marketer should also ensure the information on product is current. Confirmation, clarification, inclusion and transitional styles are some more styles of questioning (Weitz, & Bradford, 1999).In personal selling, the marketer must themselves have very good data on the product; they should know their material properly as this will be helpful for demonstration based selling. They should have the proper demonstrative atmosphere set up with respect to the product and should also have the reference letters written by previously satisfied customers ready for the newer customer segments.

This will require good organizational skills. An alternative approach for personal selling can be in the form of stimulus response where a seller might use the same presentation for the customers. The problem solving approach is one where the need based satisfaction for the customer is extended by considering best fit alternative for the customer (Ingram et al, 2007). Good listening skills are needed for the marketer, which will be helpful when any concerns or objections are raised by the buyer. Objections are raised usually because the person making the purchase has some sort of confusion, so listening to the buyer is critical. The primary element, when it comes to listening, is that the marketer or salesperson should not interrupt what the buyer is stating. Towards this extent, they should not make any form of assumptions on what they are about to listen. Once they let the buyer finish their side of the conversation, only then should the seller start talking. They should follow up with a strategy ranging anywhere from agreeing and then countering, or questioning the objection or forestalling the objection raised based on the situation (Ingram et al, 2007).