





Haraway in her ‘Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial perspective’ discuss objectivism and boundaries which are both tricky cannot really be defined in a statement, context, social interactions and dynamics give them a meaning. What is considered objective from the eyes of a dominant group would not be from another’s perspective. In fact, trying to give hard boundaries or objectives in writing might not even work in the permanent real world as author states that there is no final control in the world even when we are permanently mortal.

Now taking that understanding to the picture I have been analyzing, I would say what one sees is what one gets. For instance, it is to consider the purely objective view point. Devoid of meaning and any other sentiment, this is the picture of people shaking hands. When one knows the background, if the person viewing the picture does not add any emotions into their understanding, then they would not be able to appreciate the picture fully. Only when a person puts themselves in such a similar situation, lose their very critical lens of objectivity as the world has taught them, and look at the picture with emotion, the protest and the people who are protecting both protestor and non-protestor, can they understand the significance of the picture. I believe that it is interesting to look at the picture through lends of Haraway as it actually shows how significance of the picture can really be read.