


因此,整个石油行业在经营中有获利的机会,但这是有限的,并依赖于许多外部因素。许多这样的因素有助于抵制行业的整体提升。安桥石油公司管道北部,由安桥石油公司生产的价值55亿美元的油砂管道,计划从位于阿尔塔的布鲁德海姆运往北卡罗来纳州北部海岸的基蒂马特,由于土地所有者等外部因素开始反对实施, 2010年3月,9个沿海原住民根据其传统法律宣布禁止油轮和管道运输,严重反对执行北部门户管道。没有第一民族组织正式表示支持管道工程。这个项目本身也有其缺陷。北方门户申请声明已经明确表示,没有签订长期托运人协议。事实上,该公司曾表示,在项目批准之前提供任何运输协议是完全没有必要的,这是一家计划出口管道的公司出乎意料和令人失望的声明,因为没有这些协议就不能批准项目。恩桥公司的报告指出,它已经从资源中获得了1亿美元的资本,作为其项目的一个标志。虽然没有提及捐款的确切来源,但该公司称他们为“资金参与者”,而他们只是一群东亚炼油商和西加拿大石油生产商,具体的身份不被披露。这些缺乏透明度是TransCanada额外努力要清楚的东西,然而与地主冲突的因素是不直接在公司手中的东西。


Thus oil industry as a whole has chances of profit in its operations, but that is limited and is dependent on a lot of external factors. Many of such factors contribute in resisting the industry’s overall enhancement. The Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline, a $5.5 billion oil sands pipeline produced by Enbridge oil, planned to be running from Bruderheim, Alta., to Kitimat, on B.C.’s North Coast, hit roadblock when external factors like landowners started opposing its implementation. There was significant opposition to the implementation of the Northern Gateway pipeline, in that nine Coastal First Nations had declared a ban on oil tanker and pipeline under their traditional laws on March, 2010. No First Nations groups had officially indicated their support towards the pipeline project. The project itself had its shortcomings in its own strategies. The Northern Gateway application statements had made it clear that no long-term shipper agreement had been concluded. In fact, the company had stated that providing any shipping agreements before the approval of the project was not necessary at all, which is an unexpected and a rather disappointing statement from a company planning an export pipeline, since projects are not approved without such agreements. Enbridge’s report had stated that it had attained a capital of 100 million dollars from sources as a sign of go ahead with its project. While the exact sources of donations were refrained from being mentioned, the company referred to them as “Funding Participants,” and that they were simply a group of Eastern Asian refiners and Western Canadian Oil manufacturers with specific identities being eschewed from disclosure.  These lacking of transparencies are something that TransCanada gives extra effort to be clear of, however the factor of conflict with landowners is something that is not directly in the company’s hands.