

Van Galder通过她的作品呈现了幸福通过多重视角使这个术语看起来对社会中的个人来说是平易近人的。她强调了一些特征,比如爱的关系的需要,人类社会的出现和促进,感恩是幸福的基础。我们可以意识到,所有这些特征在本质上都是简单的,在现代,没有一个是普通人无法企及的。因此,一旦获得幸福的基础形成,它就变得容易和容易获得,从而随着时间的推移提供足够的希望和弹性。作为个人观点,社区的概念促进了社会的团队合作、宽容和福利,因为随着时间的推移,个人学会了为他人的利益而工作。



Van Galder through her writing presented happiness through multiple perspectives that make this term look approachable for individuals in the society. She emphasized certain characteristics such as the need for loving relationships, the emergence and promotion of human communities and gratitude serves as the foundation of happiness. As we can realize that all these characteristics are simplistic in nature and none of them is unapproachable for an average individual in modern times. Hence, once the foundation is formed to acquire happiness, it becomes easy and accessible, thus providing enough hope and resilience over time. As a personal opinion, the concept of community promotes teamwork, tolerance and welfare in the society, as individuals learn to work in the interest of one another over time.

Besides that, the vision of community is only approachable and feasible when every member of the society takes responsibility of their actions and aims to work in the best interest of the society as a whole over time. If individualism starts to get prevalent in the society, it generally becomes difficult to achieve welfare and eventually happiness in the end. To conclude, Van Galder has provided a clear overview of how happiness is described and achieved by putting minimal effort only. Further, this detailed description instigates a spark of hope and resilience among its readers.