





Western music can be considered as a category of music that had been developed by the population of Europe and the colonies thereafter. This particular category of music is known for encompassing majority of the music within Western classics, pop music, country music, rock and roll, and American Jazz.

In consideration with the western music, since the 20th century, composers such as Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Bela Bartok, and Igor Stravinsky had written more complex training methods of rhythm utilizing techniques and odd meters like the additive rhythm and phasing. At the same point of time, modernists like Olivier Messiaen and his pupils had utilized high level of complexity for the disruption of the sense with respect to regularity in beat that eventually lead towards the widespread utilization of rhythms in an irrational manner within the new complexity. This utilization can be explained through a comment related to John Cage where it had been noted by him that regularity in rhythms can result in causing sounds for being heard as an entire group instead of the individual context.

Within the arts of performance, rhythm is referred to as the timing with respect to events on the scale of humans; of musical silences and sounds, steps involved in dance, or the meter with respect to spoken poetry and spoken language (Smith, 2005). Rhythm can also be referred to as visually representing, as timely movement by space and a common and mutual language of pattern contributing in uniting rhythm alongside with geometry. Since recent times, meter and rhythm have been becoming significantly relevant area of research amongst the scholars of music. As rhythm is extremely important amongst all forms of music, students of music have to go through the methods of training with respect to rhythm in all types of music. With respect to the concept of rhythm and western music, this report shall be discussing the training methods involved in the rhythm of the western popular music.