



The importance of environment as a limited resource has been a relatively recent construct in economics. The importance of environment and its protection was realized only after the Bruntland Commission released its report in 1987. Environment typically serves four major purposes in an economy: provision of basic life support, source of raw materials, waste sink and provision of amenity services (Perman, Ma, McGilvary, & Common, 2003).
Wildlife, being a part of the environment, serves several purposes. It is a source of food for the non-vegetarians. Their body parts like tusks, skin or horns are sold at huge prices. However, most importantly, the wildlife serves as a major form of recreational service provider. The presence of wildlife in a locality encourages tourism which in turn brings money to the economy and employment to the local residents. Thus, preservation of the wildlife is very important.
Extinction of the wildlife has many reasons but essentially these reasons are largely man-made. It is true that natural reasons lead to extinction of species, but these occur only in geological timelines. The examples of extinction of species like mammoth due to change in the overall climatic conditions of earth are common. However, the recent concern over the endangering of the wildlife has been due to overindulgence of man into a reckless (un) economic growth (Venter, Brodeur, Nemiroff, Belland, Dolinsek, & Grant, 2006). Anthropogenic activities have altered the global extinction rate of the species to raise three or four times (Polasky, Doremus, & Rettig, 1997). Thus, it is very important to conserve wildlife for the betterment of the mankind.
This article tries to find reasons as to why it is difficult to conserve wildlife in Canada. The paper is divided thus: the second section presents a brief review of the existing literature on the reasons that make it difficult to conserve wildlife in Canada; the third section throws some light on the methodology, the fourth section performs data analysis, the fifth section provides discussions on the analysis and the sixth section concludes.