



The shop owner was dirty and sweaty wearing a dirty tee shirt but called victor dirty kid just because she was brown. She was always treated like a thief whenever she visited the shop because she was not white. Most of the people especially blacks who migrate to US have poor economic condition and the common perception in the mind of white people is: they are poor and thief’s. Victor used to paint and for this reason she always had paint on her nails and hands. She ran off to house and cleaned her hands and was scared by the incident. Victor was surprised because she took a bath every day and was wearing clean clothes when she was in the shop. Why that shop owner did called her dirty and thought she was a thief. Victor realized about this issue as she grew older and went to high school. The concept got clearer that she was not dirty because of clothes; she was called dirty because she was colored. She used to be popular and wanted in her country and when she moved and United States, all that everyone wanted was a fir light eyed girl. Victor struggled during that time and wanted to prove her but was never given a chance. She was good in dancing and arts. She never merged with other white girls of the school because they never liked her.