

An interesting research was conducted by Genese (2012) about the role of the native language in the English teaching process. The research has determined that the role of the home language aids in more comprehension of English. It cannot be refuted certain political or economic expectations that the educational polices use to teach only in the English languages. However, by incorporation of the home language in the dissemination process, there is more comprehension of the factors. The immersion programs aides in the development of positive relationship between native language and the level of English learning process. The level of the students learning and their view about the different languages impacted their educational performance. A growing level of research from the world seems to prove that the bilingual children are able to gain more cognitive skills when compared to the students from the monolingual background. From a personal standpoint, the students learning abilities and cognitive development are factored on a number of intangible variables. The use of native language in the classroom alone would not enable the students to gain comprehension of the language. Added to this, the research by Leung and Street (2012) states the issues in English language.
English language is a dynamic language that has spread across different nations. A paradoxical approach is observed that is found to be embedded in the implementation of the rules of the language. It can be alluded that this language causes the people to develop innate confusion about the implementation of the language. English as an educational context is the interweaving of many expressions and colloquial factors (Leung and Street, 2012). The academic English is found to vary from the everyday language that is spoken. Many factors are combined in this process. The subject of English is found to be a collation of the different sources that are embedded in the language. This makes the language rigid in certain sense and complex. These factors have dominated the ways in which the research has been developed. Hence, incorporation of the native language into the curriculum enables the students to gain positive development in both languages and academic subjects. Hence, for the dissemination of teaching this language, certain parameters need to be brought into contention (Leung and Street, 2012). These are some of the important factors that would lead towards the growth of the language. It is imperative to comprehend the teaching methods for the students to gain from this process. These have been detailed in the following.
Teaching Approaches and Critical Analysis
In this section, a number of teaching models have been explored along with personal retrospection of the different kinds of teaching that has been done.

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