


尽管如此,个性化的方法、用户友好的平台和增强的交流等因素给他们留下了深刻的印象,而这些在任何其他平台上都是无法实现的。然而,电子政务平台可以作为一种知识收集工具,但不能作为民主参与的因素。这一思想要求从民主的角度采取广泛的行动。有5个值得关注的领域需要立即关注以达到预期的效果水平(Kolsaker和Liz, 2008)。改进平台内部的安全方面,让每个人都知道它,这样他们就可以感到安全和自豪地使用它。提供个性化页面——这一点非常重要,因为他们的期望和要求可以很容易地传达,没有大的麻烦,而且选民和当选成员可以轻松地在一个平台上协作。

教育受众——缺乏兴趣的主要原因是存在大量未受教育的受众,他们不知道在线工具的价值以及这些工具如何促进人们的参与。激励公民——公民有责任建设和支持民主。在这种情况下,他们会有动力确保利用电子政府平台传达任何政治议题。解释对听众有利的关键因素-电子管治有助于在国内推行广泛的政治和安全改革。这种优势需要清楚地告诉他们。这可以在这些人群中产生利息,利率最终会提高。透明度是公众参与政府运作平台的关键。这个电子政府系统应该是一个大型的社会系统,Porte et al(2002)认为在透明度下有几个方面需要注意来规范组织的网络活动。


Still, they are impressed of the factors like personalized approach, user friendly platform and enhanced communication which is unavailable in any other platforms. However, e-government platform can be used as a knowledge gathering tool but not as a democratic engagement factor. This thought has called for a wide range of actions to engage from democratic perspective. There are 5 areas of concern that require immediate attention to achieved the expected level of effectiveness (Kolsaker and Liz, 2008). Improve the security aspect within the platform and let everyone know about it so that they can feel safe and proud to use.Provision of personalized pages – this is quite important as their expectation and demands can be easily conveyed with no big hassles and the voters and elected members collaborate in one platform at an ease.

Educate the audience – the primary reason behind lack of interest is the presence of large groups of uneducated audience who are unaware of the values of online tools and the ways these can promote participation among people.Motivate the citizens – citizens have been responsible to build and support democracy. In that case, they are to be motivated to make sure that they make use of e-government platform to convey any political issues.Explain the key factors of benefits to audience – e-governance helps to bring a wide range of political and security reforms within the country. This advantage needs to be clearly said to them. This can create the interest among such groups of people and the interest rate will eventually improve. Transparency is the key to engagement of audience in a public government run platform. This e-government system is supposed to be a large social system where Porte et al (2002) believe that there are several aspects under transparency that need to be taken care of to regulate the web activities of organization.