


选择样本的抽样技术是随机抽样的方法,通过随机抽样的方法,从英国一所顶尖大学挑选了大约200名大学生,从英国一家公司挑选了200名工人进行研究。在本研究中,研究设计为横断面式,实验过程采用问卷调查法(Donley, 2012)。大学生和工人都将得到问卷调查,他们将有20分钟的时间提供他们的回答。定量数据将从问卷调查中收集,并将用于进一步分析。问卷已附在附录中。研究人员必须考虑伦理问题。参与者会被告知研究的目的,只有在他们同意参与研究后才会参与(Leung, 2003)。研究提供的数据和信息将是保密的。


In this proposed research, two hypotheses have been developed. The researcher would be conducting a primary research through the questionnaire survey on the college students and workers. The researcher would be using different statistical measures such as mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, correlation, Z-test, and T-test in order to validate the two set hypotheses. The two hypotheses are:Hypothesis 1: Positive correlation between the academic pressure and mental stress of college students. Null Hypothesis: Negative Positive correlation between the academic pressure and mental stress of college students. The dependent variable (DV) is the mental stress and Independent Variable (IV) is the academic pressure. Hypothesis 2: Positive correlation between the workload and occupational stress of workers. Null Hypothesis: Negative Positive correlation between the workload and occupational stress of workers. The dependent variable (DV) is the occupational stress and Independent Variable (IV) is the workload.

The sampling technique that was used to select the samples is the random sampling method through which around 200 college students from a top UK University was selected and 200 workers from a company in the UK was selected for the purpose of conducting research. In this research, the study design is of cross-sectional type and the experimental procedure is conducted using the questionnaire survey (Donley, 2012). Both the college students and the workers would get the questionnaire and they would be given 20 minutes time each to provide their responses. Quantitative data would be collected from the questionnaire survey and would be used for further analysis. The questionnaire had been attached in the appendix. Ethical Consideration must be made by the researcher. The participants would be well informed about the purpose of the study and they would only participate after they give consent to be a part of the research (Leung, 2003). The data and information provided by the research would be confidential.