
論文 代寫:艾滋病與埃博拉病毒的區別
艾滋病和埃博拉病毒的區別在於其潛伏期和可見度。艾滋病或引起艾滋病的病毒即HIV是一種殺手,在自然界中是無聲的、不可見的,潛伏期很長(Hira和Piot, 2016)。國際社會沒有立即看到艾滋病或艾滋病毒造成的致命影響,但看到了與埃博拉有關的可怕性質和迅速反應症狀的短期影響。與艾滋病毒相關的症狀在某些情況下可在數月甚至數年內顯現。而埃博拉病毒沒有任何潛伏期。埃博拉病毒的潛伏期為2-21天,通常在感染後8-10天內出現症狀(Parpia et al., 2016)。由於埃博拉病毒表現出極端的外部症狀,因此更容易確定受影響和感染的個人及其隔離以遏制病毒。
HIV令人擔憂的是,許多人甚至不知道或意識到自己感染的性質,直到數年後才知道自己作為病毒攜帶者將感染傳播給他人(Calmy et al., 2015)。埃博拉病毒的症狀包括發燒、嘔吐、大量出血、腹瀉等。這本身被認為是在全球層面實現這一目標以及隨後在抗擊埃博拉病毒的鬥爭中採取行動的最大禍害。通過對西非內部EVD流行的反應所犯的錯誤和取得的有限成功,得出了三項重要的發現:建議在全國范圍內發生的疫情不會突然發生。這意味著目前的基因研究表明,埃博拉病毒在現有疫情爆發前,已經與西非雨林一起存在了十多年(Hageman, 2016)。

論文 代寫:艾滋病與埃博拉病毒的區別

The primary point within the differentiation among the AIDS and Ebola is their latency as well as visibility. AIDS or the causing virus that is HIV is a killer that is silent and unseen in nature with the long period of latency (Hira and Piot, 2016). The worldwide community did not view the AIDS or HIV effects that were deadly on immediate basis, but the short term effects of ghastly nature and quickly reacting symptoms related to Ebola are seen. The symptoms associated with the virus of HIV can come within effect as late as months in some cases and even years in certain other instances. Whereas Ebola does not possess any period of latency. Ebola possesses a period of incubation that is of 2-21 days with the symptoms usually depicting within period of 8-10 days post time of infection (Parpia et al., 2016). As extreme symptoms of outward nature are shown by Ebola, it becomes easier to identify affected and infected individual and their isolation for virus containment.
The concern with HIV is that many individuals do not even get to know or realize their infected nature till several years post unknowing the spread of infection by them as carriers of virus to others (Calmy et al., 2015). The symptoms of Ebola are fever, vomiting, profuse bleeding, diarrhea and more. This within itself is considered to be the eminent evil to realization at global level and action of subsequent nature in battle against Ebola.Through the errors and limited success of the responses to the epidemic of EVD within Western Africa presents with gaining three important findings: It is suggested that the outbreaks that occur nationally do not take place suddenly. This implies the suggestions provided by the present genetic research that virus of Ebola was existing along with rainforest of Western Africa for over a decade prior to the existing outbreak (Hageman, 2016).