


在过去的15年里,出现了另一种欺负行为,即网络欺凌。这是当今年轻人面临的最突出的问题之一。在这篇文章中,网络欺凌的负面影响将被评估与传统欺凌相比,但首先了解网络欺凌与传统欺凌的区别是非常重要的。与传统的恃强凌弱相比,它有许多不同之处。网络欺凌涉及到技术的使用,主要是间接进行的,这意味着行凶者并不容易了解受害者的反应。传统欺负行为背后的动机之一被认为是通过显示对受害者的权力而获得的地位。这一功能在网络欺凌中缺乏。另一方面,网络欺凌比传统的受众群体更广,由于其场所不受限制,很难逃脱网络欺凌。受害者可以随时随地用手机和电脑发送信息或打电话(史密斯)。无论欺凌的性质如何,它都是一种消极的行为。因此,影响总是消极的。然而,与传统欺凌相比,网络欺凌的不良后果可以通过上述差异得到最好的理解(Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012)。

网络欺凌拥有更大的受众群。这可能会使受害者感到更多的羞耻和羞辱;从而增强了负面影响(Slonje 2012)。然而,更大的受众群体也能起到保护作用,因为受害者可能更容易获得帮助,从而减少孤立感(Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012)。网络欺凌的间接性质也有两极化的含义。如前所述,欺凌被认为是由欺凌者通过目睹受害者遭受痛苦而获得的满足感驱动的。在网络欺凌中,这是不存在的。这可能会导致欺负者停止欺负,因为那里由于缺乏奖励。在这种情况下,网络欺凌可能不会持续太久,与传统的欺凌相比,网络欺凌的负面影响会更小。另一方面,欺凌者可能无法对受害者产生同理心,欺凌可能会持续更长的时间;从而造成更大的损害。在网络欺凌中,匿名也可能鼓励欺凌者继续其行为(Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012)。这与暴民行为有相似之处。在乌合之众中,当人们在人群中失去自己的身份并获得匿名时,他们会表现得很暴力。


Past one and a half decades have witnessed the emergence of another kind of bullying namely cyberbullying. It is one of the most prominent problems facing youth today. In this essay, the adverse impact of cyberbullying will be evaluated against that of traditional bullying but first it is very important to understand how cyberbullying differs from traditional bullying. When compared to traditional bullying, it differs with it on many accounts. Cyberbullying involves the use of technology and is primarily carried out indirectly, which means that the perpetrator does not readily have access to the victim’s reaction. One of the motivations behind traditional bullying is considered to involve the status acquired by showing power over the victim. This feature is lacking in cyberbullying. On the other hand, cyberbullying has a wider audience base than the traditional one, and it is difficult to escape cyberbullying as its venues are not restricted. Victims can be sent a message or called anytime or anywhere on their cell phones and computers (Smith). Bullying is a negative occurrence regardless of its nature. Therefore, the impact is always negative. However, the adverse consequences of cyberbullying relative to traditional bullying can be best understood in light of the differences mentioned above (Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012).

Cyberbullying has a larger audience base. This could cause the victim to feel more shame and humiliation; thereby, enhancing the negative impact (Slonje 2012). However, larger audience base can also have a protective impact as the victim may more readily get help causing a reduction in the feelings of isolation (Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012). The indirect nature of cyberbullying also has polarized implications. As mentioned afore, bullying is believed to be motivated by the feeling of satisfaction bully gets by witnessing the victims suffer. In cyberbullying, this is absent. This may cause the bully to stop bullying as there due to the lack of reward. In such a case, cyberbullying may not last long, and will have less negative consequences in comparison to traditional bullying. On the flip side, a bully may be unable to develop empathy towards its victim, and bullying may continue for a longer time; thereby causing more damage. In cyberbullying, due anonymity may also encourage the bully to continue with his or her behaviour (Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012). Parallels can be drawn between this with mob behavior. In a mob, people act violently as they lose their identity in the crowd and achieve anonymity.