

  • 俄罗斯人有固定的任命。所以必须提前预约。
  • 建议正式会议守时。会议可以在短时间内取消。
  • 俄罗斯的商务谈判冗长。所以,请耐心等待,等待最后一轮谈判。
  • 俄罗斯人是很难讲价的。任何与俄罗斯方面做生意的组织都需要坚持不懈。在第一次会议上,俄罗斯人基本上试图找出一个组织的信誉,为未来的进程。准备展示您的组织与竞争对手的能力和差异化。
  • 俄罗斯人很可能有兴趣编写详细的报告,包括所有的事实,历史和现在的表现。如果介绍是由一个专家小组提供的话,那会更好。
  • 在商务会议期间,准备印有俄文和英文的名片。名片在俄罗斯是一件严重的事情,在所有的会议中都是必要的。
  • 俄罗斯人在商务会议上不是很正式。准备期待一些与实际话题再次相遇之前会议无关的讨论(Aksenova,Beadle 1999)


  • 与俄罗斯人的首次会面大多是正式的。
  • 尽可能诚实和诚恳。
  • 俄罗斯人对资本主义的兴趣不大,对生意不甚讨好的人不是很有商业头脑。
  • 尝试发展个人关系,因为这对未来的未来至关重要。如果一个俄罗斯人要求你的帮忙,这是一个更密切的关系发展的迹象。(Sebenius 2002)


  • Russians have fixation for appointment. So appointment must be taken much in advance.
  • It is advisable to be punctual for formal meetings. Meeting can be cancelled on short notice.
  • Business negotiations in Russia are lengthy affair. So, have patience and be ready to be kept waiting for long time until the final round of talks take place.
  • Russians are hard bargainers. A lot of persistence is required from any organization doing business with a Russian counterpart. At first meeting, Russians basically try to identify an organisation’s credibility for future proceeding. Be prepared to demonstrate your organization’s capability and differentiation from your competitors.
  • Russians are likely to be interested in a well drawn up detailed presentation including all facts, history and present performance. It would be better if the presentation is given by a team of experts.
  • Be prepared with your business card printed both sides in both Russian and English during business meeting. Business card is a serious affair in Russia and is necessary formality during all meetings.
  • Russians are not very formal during business meetings. Be ready to expect some discussion irrelevant to meeting long before the actual topic comes into light again.(Aksenova, Beadle 1999)
  • First meeting with Russians is mostly formal.
  • Try to be as honest and sincere as possible.
  • Being new to capitalism, Russians are not very business minded and dislike people who are all into business.
  • Try to develop a personal relationship as it can be crucial for further future. If a Russian asks you for a favour, it is an indication of development of a closer relationship.(Sebenius 2002)