
近年來,越來越多的國際出版物揭示了信任在國際商業(IB)系統領域的重要性。信任是一個高度抽象和多維度的概念,已被許多不同的科學學科採用,如心理學、社會學、社會心理學、經濟學、市場學、國際商務、組織行為學等(Rousseau, 1995)。 Mohr(2004)發現了一種複雜的相互關係狀態,這種關係建立在建立合資企業的信任基礎上。 Nielson(2007)認為,在決定國際企業績效時,信任是一個戰略聯盟因素。在他的文章中,他討論了信任作為一個多維因素。信任被認為是與互動企業績效正相關的聯盟後形成因素之一(Osland, and Cavusgil, 1998)。它增加了一個公司獲得外部知識的途徑,並增強了它的能力(與它的網絡夥伴)創造新的創新和有效的方法來結合現有的知識相關的能力和資源,以呈現卓越的性能( Nielson, 2007)。
在不同的背景下,研究人員Fang et al.(2008)提出的信任是多維的,因為它可以基於組織層面來看待。因此,國際合資企業的組織層次將對所產生的信任形式產生重大影響。方et al。 (2008)探討信任的影響在三個不同的組織水平營銷合作:組織間合作公司之間的信任,每個公司的機構信任自己的代表分配給一個協作實體(實體)和intraentity分配給公司實體的代表之間的信任。企業間的營銷協作通常需要形成一個協作實體或co實體,這被定義為每個協作公司的一組確定的員工,他們的任務是共同工作以實現協作結果(Fang et al., 2008)。


The increasing number of international publications in recent years has revealed the significance of trust in the field of International Business (IB) Systems. Trust is a highly abstract and multidimensional concept that has been adopted from many different scientific disciplines like Psychology, Sociology, Social Psychology, Economics, Marketing, International Business, Organizational behaviour and more (Rousseau, 1995). Mohr (2004) identified a complex state of interrelationships based on trust in the formation of Joint Ventures. Nielson (2007) argues for trust as a strategic alliance factor when it comes to determining the performance of businesses in an International venture. In his article he discusses trust as a multidimensional factor. Trust is regarded as one of the post–alliance formation factors which is positively related to interacting companies performance (Osland, and Cavusgil, 1998). It increases a firm’s access to external knowledge and strengthens its ability to (in conjunction with its network partner) create new innovative and efficient ways of combining existing knowledge-related capabilities and resources in order to present superior performance (Nielson, 2007).
In a different context, trust as presented by researchers Fang et al. (2008) is multidimensional in that it could be viewed based on organizational levels. Organizational levels in the formation of IJV would hence have a major impact on the form of trust generated. Fang et al. (2008) explore the effects of trust at three distinct organizational levels in a marketing collaboration: inter-organizational trust between collaborating firms, each firm’s agency trust in its own representatives assigned to a collaborative entity (co entity) and intraentity trust among the representatives assigned to the co entity. Interfirm marketing collaborations often entail the formation of a collaborative entity or co entity, which is defined as an identified set of employees from each collaborating firm tasked to work together to achieve collaborative outcomes (Fang et al., 2008).