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The collaborative relationships shared also stand testimony to this fact. Now because of the empirical observations of western countries and their industries about the successful exchange relationships, the logical conclusion was that such practices had to be replicated. Now in replication, the western nations were obviously able to view some performance benefits as such (Frazier & Antia, 1995). However, not all organizations reaped the performance benefits. Some organizations found that the frameworks or factors cannot be adopted blindly. Even if the factors were successful for some industries in a general way, it need not be so in other industries. It was found that industries that replicated the models as they were, suffered because of the practice mismatch. They had to work on improvising it and customizing it. Now the reasons for the mismatch are that although western industries understood the practice word for word, they seemingly had not grasped the culture based elements behind this. Much of the history behind the Japanese supply buyer relationships that were forged over the years was not understood clearly here. Supply chain relationships in the case of the Japanese industries are mostly easily predictable (De Jong and Nooteboom, 2000). The easy predictability exists because of how suppliers are seen to have less dominance over the buyers. The buyers traditionally have more power and control compared to the suppliers. This is a cultural understanding and only people within the context of Japanese culture understood this. The high success of collaborative relationships and the success in procurement and outcomes was seen to be because of a direct implication of this. Hierarchies of structural dominance are created and it is because of these hierarchies that supplier and buyer relationships are arranged. Japanese buyers operate in the hierarchy of dominance and the suppliers respect and value the relationship they share with their suppliers. Hence it could be said that power and respect go hand in hand in creating the success of the relationships. Buyers can leverage for better negotiations and. push for better prospects. This power aspect in the supply buyer exchanges were completely missed by the western replication (Kim, 2001).

the power aspects in relationships are given much importance. In any negotiations, the way leverages can exist could result in better negotiations for different sides. Some of these aspects have to be considered based on context. However, in the traditional way of looking at supplier buyer exchanges the power based leverage is not understood. Supplier buyer relationships will need to factor in structural dominance aspects.

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