
  论文代写-汉语学习中的汉语语音系统分析,在汉语中,由于有不同的短语,发音相似,所以有修饰的声调或铸件的用法。在对英语的完全肯定的评价中,很少用到语气。这是由于汉语学习、鉴赏或使用与肤色有关的模式的音频系统造成的问题(Hancock, 2012)。各种汉语语音系统在最后一个辅音的发音习惯上都是在最后一个辅音的发音习惯上进行的。因此,它要么停止在结束一致或停止包括一个额外的元音的帮助下,有关该词的结束。类似的字母,在e书的帮助下,有用的资源功能,现在不符合特殊的声音,因此,中国的英语仍然是相对于他们从活动中学到的短语的结构。接下来有关论文代写-汉语学习中的汉语语音系统分析如下:

  Plans were set for a number of lessons of vowel sound. The teaching technique focuses on a logical framework to ensure the understanding of pronunciation for vowels from all aspects. The first approach will be concerning the sound of “I” comparing it to the sound of “eat”. There is making of word from the front portion of the mouth. This front vowel can be considered as the highest (Hewings, 2007).

  There is use concerning modified tones or cast of Mandarin Chinese because of distinguishing phrases grudging similar pronunciation. There is makes use of regarding much less tone among the complete conviction of evaluation with of English. This built problem because of audio system about Chinese among learning, appreciation or the use of patterns concerning tone in fair complexion effectively (Hancock, 2012). A variety of mandarin audio system end above transferring theirs habit regarding last consonants among pronouncing European words. Hence, it either stops on dropping the closing consistent or ceasing over including an additional vowel with the aid of the closing concerning that word. Similar letters referred after with the aid of the e book useful resource function now not correspond with special sounds and hence, the Chinese ELLs continue to be fairly structured regarding the respective phrase they learned out of the activities. The tenseness then extent about vowel of English quit above altering the meaning about specific phrases as much between the suit about “fist” and “feast” (Hancock, 2012). However, this is not the equal into pronunciation concerning Chinese. Tone or volley is a predominant thing in imitation of trade as per which means related in accordance with particular syllable. Hence, while “dip” yet “deep” might also have distinct sounds that are the same regarding Chinese ELLs. The problem is not regarding the absence on sounds, but involving the need concerning perception respecting the difference (Baker, 2006).

  Due in conformity with the overall reason, insertion for remaining vowels and omitting final consonants within fair complexion can cause definitive misunderstandings. Some concerning the audio system end above after lay greater accent over closing compatible fit according to negatively transferring the respective swarm structure (O’Seaghdha et al., 2010). Due in conformity with that reason, inserting an extra vowel into the stop turns into a most important trouble for Chinaman speakers. Being specifically influenced by the aid of advanced language, a number of new learners hold the learning about abbreviation diphthongs. However, there is replacement of fair complexion monophthongs because of fair complexion diphthongs.

  From this stage onwards, there will be teaching of lessons in descending order depending upon which part of the mouth is used for pronouncing the vowel. This will assist the students in understanding the front vowels as a single category instead of several isolated source (Hancock, 2012). This makes it easy to differentiate and recognize the sounds of vowel. However, one specific drawback of this technique is that specific emphasis is laid upon fluency instead of accuracy. The teacher should avoid to correct errors if there is interference of correction to concentrate upon communication.

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