

In the recent past, there have been two studies which were conducted separately and independently. Nevertheless, the results from the studies are the same which is really surprising and is good news for avid coffee drinkers. The first study was that conducted by Annals of Internal Medicine. It took into consideration 10 European countries and involved around 520000 people, which made it the largest study till date conducted to research about correlation between drinking coffee and living a longer life. The study towards the end revealed surprising results for coffee drinkers. Based on extensive experiments on the huge population of the people involved in the study, the research concluded towards the end that drinking more coffee does lead to higher life expectancy. Considering the fact that there have been numerous studies in the past that had confirmed this correlation to be true, and also that this was the largest study conducted to study and experiment the relation between drinking coffee and having a longer life, it is difficult to ignore the results. One is bound to consider the facts revealed in the study and contemplate that this might actually be a scientific result of the components of coffee which leads to a longer life (Ornish, 2008).
There was another study conducted in the recent past to study a similar correlation between drinking more coffee and leading a longer life. This study was also published in the same journal as above and this study streamlined the experiment population to non-white Americans. The study included a huge target population of 1,85,000 people on which experiments were conducted and results were noted. The population included a wide range of Native Americans, African-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Hawaiians, and Latinos. What is interesting to note from the study is that the result from this study is similar to the earlier one. Drinking more coffee, indeed, does result in increasing life expectancy, as per the result of this study as well. When two such vast scale studies suggest the same results, it is hard to ignore them. Another interesting conclusion from these studies is that the effect of coffee in increasing life expectancy is the same for people from different origins and ethnicity. Thus, the effect of coffee is deep into the biological system of the human body and is not limited to different genes or regional influences. It effects the basic biological composition of the body and hence its effect is the same on people from different parts of the world. The right amount of coffee intake was also studied in these studies. The results suggest that consuming 2-4 cups of coffee daily will lead to a decrease in the risk of death by as much as eighteen percent than those who do not consume coffee (Freedman et al., 2012).

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