


企业家圣母院安妮塔·罗迪克(Anita Roddick)于1976年在伦敦布赖顿(Brighton,London)的一家小商店用25种手工制作的天然产品创立了世界着名的“The Body Shop”(Hayward,2004)。此后,安妮塔通过她的公司参与了各种侵犯人权行为,动物和环境保护的忠诚和承诺,通过获得消费者的支持,提高了自尊。

公司的产品展现出一种在个人和社会层面上以生命和世界精神生产的形象,以公平贸易的永恒承诺。防止环境受到商业有害影响是地方和全球商业的责任。作为第一个国际化妆品品牌,Body Shop在“人道化妆品标准”20年前取得了反动物检测政策的奖项。


背景:“The Body Shop”的历史:

安妮塔的创新在商业中的作用是通过她的零售和环境服务。甚至包括她在各个领域获得成功的慈善机构。 2003年,她被任命为大英帝国的夫人为她的各种创新和环保服务(梅尔赫姆,2014年)。圣母院的安妮塔·罗迪克还不在世界上,她的梦想公司“The Body Shop”正在为世界提供服务,尊重她的遗产并追求她为实现这些价值而努力奋斗的同样的商业价值。


Entrepreneur Dame Anita Roddick founded the world famous “The Body Shop” in 1976 with 25 handmade natural products with minimum packing through a small shop in Brighton, London (Hayward, 2004). Since then Anita through her company is involved in various campaigns related to human rights abuses, animal and environment protection with loyalty and commitment that boosted the self esteem by attaining the support of consumers since generations.

The products of the company  shows an image of being produced with love of life and the world with spirit at individual and community levels with an everlasting commitment of fair trade. Prevention of environment from the harmful effects of business is the responsibility of businesses at local and global levels. The Body Shop achieved awards for its Against Animal Testing policy 20 years back of the Humane Cosmetics Standards as the first international cosmetic brand.

Here the topic of discussion is “Conduct a management analysis of The Body Shop”.

Background: The History of “The Body Shop”:

The role of innovation in business by Anita was through her services for retailing and the environment. It even includes the charity with which her success was recognized in various areas. In 2003 she was appointed a Dame of the British Empire for her various innovative and environmental friendly services (Melhem, 2014). Dame Anita Roddick is not in the world still the her dream company “The Body Shop” is providing services to the world on her principles valuing her legacy and pursuing the same business values for which she struggled hard for achieving those values.