


尼桑的願景是通過對可持續社會發展的持續貢獻來豐富人們的生活。這家汽車製造商稱自己有責任為利益相關者、股東、員工和所有正在進行可持續移動的社區提供解決方案。為了在市場上玩一個安全的遊戲,日產的CSR戰略被命名為“藍色公民”(Nissan, 2016)。這表明了日產致力於滿足社會對其服務和產品的期望。日產對投資者的責任指數組織良好,顯示出高度的透明度。


另一方面,企業公民計劃和安全標準意識倡議顯示了尼桑對目標市場的專業和道德方法。企業社會責任戰略是其在全球市場巨大競爭中的可見度的有力證明(Ganguly, 1999)。對於日產的每一款產品,它都創建了一個可持續發展的協議,解決了每個客戶的經濟價值增加問題。雖然日產有一個單獨的站點,展示了其全球可持續戰略,但令人滿意的是,每個國家都有可持續戰略(Fields, 2002)。這使得經濟和環境學習更好。


Nissan holds the vision of enriching the lives of people through its consistent contribution to sustainable social development. This automaker calls itself accountable to offer solutions to stakeholders, shareholders, employees and all the communities where sustainable mobility has been in progress. Playing a safe game in the market, the CSR strategy of Nissan is named “blue citizenship” (Nissan, 2016). This indicates the dedication and interests of Nissan to meet the society’s expectations with its range of services and products. The responsibility index of Nissan to investors is well organized and indicates a high degree of transparency.

On the other hand, the corporate citizenship programs and safety standard awareness initiatives show the professionalism and ethical approach of Nissan towards the target market. The CSR strategy stands as a sound proof to its visibility amidst the huge competition in the global markets (Ganguly, 1999). For every product of Nissan, it creates a protocol of sustainability issues addressed along with the economic value added to every customer. While there is a separate site of Nissan that shows its global sustainability strategies, it is satisfactory to note the presence of sustainability strategy for every country (Fields, 2002). This makes the economic and environmental learning better.