

没有面试时间分配和有效的面试进行一个理想的时间不能决定。使面试过程顺利进行的唯一关键是灵活性,即根据需要留出充足的时间收集数据,而不是花费大量时间讨论不相关的项目(Watts 2008)。对于非管理职位和非豁免职位,应分别设置半小时至一小时进行实际采访。对于管理性和豁免性职位,还需要保留1至2个小时。


There is no Interview time allotted and for an effective interview to be conducted an ideal time cannot be decided. The only key to make the interview process successful is through flexibility that is by allowing sufficient time for gathering data as required but not a lot of time for discussing irrelevant items (Watts 2008). For positions that are non-managerial and non-exempt, half an hour to 1 hour should be set separately for interviews to actually take place. For positions of managerial and exempt nature, 1 to 2 hours additionally have to be kept.
There are various steps that have to be followed to determine the requirements significant for performing successfully and developing interview questions in a legal manner (Dale 2003). These steps are inclusive of the following:
Analysing the job for identifying the needed factors of performance required for success in terms of performance.
For every required factor of performance, questions have to be designed for eliciting information on the past accomplishments of the applicant and performance of job. Whenever it is possible, the focus of the questions should be on what has been done by the applicant
Preparing the list of those perspectives that help in advocating the responses of the applicants. This list should be inclusive of desired behaviours at work, experience types, achievements and specific skills demonstrations (Parson 1990)
Designing a form for rating that is used by all interviewers for recording the responses of the applicants and summarizing the impressions through observations.
There are also various factors that help in formation of perceptions. The perceptions should have accuracy or inaccuracy either ways their formation is bound through several factors. These factors further help in determining the selection of an interviewer however such perceptions should be unbiased.