

本節分析了社會和EMNC公司中與腐敗意識形態相關的各種因素和網絡。由於腐敗造成的有害影響已經影響到社會的許多方面。它對政治、經濟、社會和環境產生決定性的影響(世界銀行,2013)。腐敗是不道德的行為。由於腐敗,某些社會派別成為不知情和不知情的受害者。腐敗阻礙了社會的發展和進步。它導致某些自私的個體的成長。在這一過程中,大部分人口受到影響。腐敗的後果在社會的任何一個部門都沒有發現。它在許多多模態形式中存在迴聲,並影響許多其他扇區的運行。人們發現,它阻礙了個別國家的進步和發展,並對全世界人民造成有害影響。它導致社會不成比例的增長,在腐敗行為之後,貧富差距擴大。顯然,這導致了社會的混亂和無政府狀態(Ip, 2009)。除此之外,社會的整體功能失調導致了個別社區的問題。

根據許多報導,發展中國家許多地區的腐敗現像有所增加(Olken & Pande, 2011)。通過觀察分析發現,許多新興國家的腐敗行為有所增加。這可能是由於對資源的迫切需要,或由於這些國家沒有適當的執法制度來監測其肆無忌憚的活動。這種令人擔憂的趨勢將對社會造成大規模的破壞。要治理腐敗,首先要破解腐敗的根源。有必要深入探討腐敗的根源,找到解決各國腐敗問題的辦法。近年來,越來越多的研究者開始關注腐敗的原因和後果。除此之外,還需要找到衡量腐敗的方法。量化腐敗已被發現在當今時代獲得了突出的地位(Mahmoudi, 2014)。腐敗本身的定義是一個複雜的內涵;這是一種反常的行為。它以進程的發起者、行動者和受益者為基礎。


Different factors, networks related to the ideologies of Corruption in the societies and in the EMNC companies have been analyzed in this section.Pernicious effects owing to corruption have seen to affect many dimensions of the society. It causes decisive effects to politics, economy, society and environment (World Bank, 2013). Corruption is an unethical practice. Owing to corruption certain faction of society becomes unknowing and unwitting victims. Corruption hampers the growth and progress of the societies. It leads to growth of certain self-serving individuals. In this process the larger section of the population gets affected. Ramifications of corruption are not found in any one section of the society. It is found to echo in many multimodal forms and affects operation of a number of other sectors. It has been found that it impedes progress and development of the individual countries and causes detrimental effects to the people across the world. It causes disproportionate growth in society and the gap between the rich and the poor widens subsequent to corruptive practices. Explicitly, this leads to chaos and anarchy in the societies (Ip, 2009). Added to this, there is overall disfunction in the society that leads to issues in the individual communities.

According to many reports there has been an increase in corruption in many areas of the developing countries (Olken & Pande, 2011). It has been found from observational analysis that there is increase in corruptive practices in many of the emerging nations. This could be due to the dire need of resources or the fact that these countries do not have proper law enforcement system to monitor their unscrupulous activities. This worrying trend will cause large scale destruction to the societies. To handle corruption, roots of corruption need to be primarily deciphered. There is a need to probe into the root cause of corruption to find ways to solve the issue of corruption that are existing the countries. In recent years, an increasing number of researchers have paid attention to the causes and consequences of corruption. Apart from these there is a need to find the ways to measure corruption. Quantifying corruption has been found to gain prominence in the current times (Mahmoudi, 2014). Definition of corruption itself is a complex connotation; it is a kind of aberrant behaviour. It is based on the initiators, actors and beneficiaries of the process.