

  Reliability: Despite low reliability levels, social media is identified as the main source of information by 50% journalists.

  Less cross checking: Journalists are less likely to contact the PR people, firms and agencies due to social media and its emergence, which has been established by 52% PR professionals.

  Journalism rules: It has been reported by 60% journalists that the usage of social media helps journalists to depend less on traditional rules of journalism. They feel free to share their personal opinions on Social Media .

  Importance of social media in the life of a journalist: Around 68% of journalists feel that social media is crucial for their daily performance and they cannot operate without social media .

  PR professionals are aware of the social media’s impact on their daily activities. To perform well, they rely on the power of social media and the way it has changed the world of journalism . It is an extremely pivotal part of communication channel and should be used fairly for delivering right information to people.

  The role and influence of social media on modern PR industry

  It has been argued by Media ecologists that introduction of new technology like smart phones have increased the accessibility of news and mass-media content. Growth of mobile channels has contributed a lot in shifting social bias, occupying a new niche . According to the findings by Pew Research Centre in 2015, almost 65% of American adults indulge in social networking sites through mobile phones and internet . In September 2015, Facebook reported that 1.01 billion people log daily into the website, with an increase of 17% every year (approximately). All this data represents that social media has a huge impact on not only people but also on businesses and brands across industries . Social media also helps in devising strategies to engage audiences and win loyalties. Therefore, it makes sense for public relations to use social media as their advantage. It’s not just Facebook and Twitter help brands in making their presence felt. Platforms like LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and Google are gaining popularity for modern PR practitioners to convey their stories .

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