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According to the study conducted by Matthew, James Kushin and Masahiro Yamamoto published under the name of Mass Communication and Society (2010). In the recent times, there has been a significant growth in the behaviour of the political parties throughout the world, the emergence of a number of new and interactive media houses and other websites. It has been found that around one in every 5 person in America has used Twitter as a social networking medium for the purpose of political campaigns. The study has also revealed that with the use of social media, political views can opinions can be easily expressed. It is something that not only provides important information to the users but also helps them to interact with the help of online interaction such as by posting political comments on different blogs and social network websites (Hong and Nadler, 2012). The Facebook users have been expressing their views in a number of political campaigns by updating their status, messages, opinions and attitude. Thus, the research paper discusses how the social media has transformed the political campaigns in recent times. There will be investigation on the recent political campaigns, impact of social media on the same and the importance of the social media campaigns in future.
Negative Use of social media for political campaigns
There have been a large number of events where social media has been used in the political campaigns. Though with respect to political agendas, social media has been a very new and a recent term for the people to communicate during the political campaigns, and it may be important to note that there have been a number of changes in political campaigns because of social media. But along with this, there have been a number of negative effects of the use of social media for political campaigns (Ceron, 2014). According to the article by USA Today (2011), it was stated that a complete political campaign can be destroyed with a single post. Other problems arise when the social media is used by the campaigners without taking any help from the staff. Many times because of the lack of skills, the campaigners who are in local parties may get adverse impact of promotion through the use of social media (Larrson et al, 2012).
Internet and social media have changed the world. Each and every person is being impacted because of the same. It has made communication between individuals and groups much easier. Because of social media, people are connected to each other and the world is in a better manner. Political parties are also using social media for their campaigns. It has changed the manner in which the campaigns have taken place in the past. In this research paper, the ways in which social media has changed the political campaigns has been discussed. The analysis has been done on the use of social media in the 2008 elections by Obama. Further, studies have been conducted on how social media has been beneficial for the political campaigns in the present times. There has been a discussion on the negative impacts of the same. But, social media has largely changed the ways in which political campaigns were held in the past.

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