

  The analysis of these articles provides a fair idea that the benefits of bilingualism and its intangible benefit in adult life. However, in deeper probing it makes the proposals weaker because of counter arguments and examples providing equally valid looking reasoning. This infers that there is never a definitive conclusion that bilingualism is more beneficial than those who are monolinguals, but there are exceptions in cases of children which are not possible to be covered by the most expansive of research. It is concluded that bilingualism must be promoted, but after assessing its impacts on the child’s cognitive abilities and intelligence, and in cases where it is not suited to the child, it must be immediately withdrawn. Simultaneously, monolinguals also must never be discouraged from being creative and learning, especially when they are harbouring an internal competitive spirit with bilinguals in mind. The growth of bilinguals can provide more sensitive individuals to our society and monolinguals being equally confident and competitive can repair the social disorders and disparities that arises due to language and fair communication.

  Noble and Dalton (1976) presents the advantages of bilingualism asserting that bilinguals because of information overload are better able to focus on what is important and what is unimportant. This proposal is correct and provides an addition to the contention that complexity makes the intelligent more resourceful, attentive, focused, and learns to unlearn the unrequired. Though the proposal is sound, it is not full in its reasoning when the children with poor cognitive skills during complex situations. When information overload is apparent and has arrived, it is the cognitive abilities along with the faulty of reasoning that plays a major role in dissecting the important from the baseless, so the very fact that only bilinguals have this advantage is outrageously invalid and without proper foundation. Being successful is not the authority of bilinguals, as ascertained by this research, but the ability of triumphing over complex situations with simple reasoning and progressive action makes winners and successful people (Roberts and Akinsanya, 1976). Hence, the learning of two languages among children of age 3-5 is more or less a dual condition which harbours the motivation for bilinguals as seriously as the discouragement of monolinguals to consider themselves less accepted and competitive. The parameters of IQ tests and intelligence is never complete, because they always keep growing and decaying in the minutest moments which are not even perceptible.

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