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  We have provided further information about the funding for this project. With all the valuation and reviews of the market, we offer you the funding report which is attached herewith. A description of locality is provided with the multi-storeyed parking being prepared nearby which is assumed to increase the real estate property rate in the coming years. The property is around 3500 square meter and situated in between the commercial and art hub of Toronto. The main obstacle faced by the resident and local is related traffic and car parking which has been sorted out by construction (work-in progress) plan of a multi-storeyed parking which is assume to make the property more lucrative in commercial market. A feasibility report summary on the same has been attached with the report.

  The information used in the report is collected by well-trained professionals of their field and references are given for the source of information used. The venture is in initial primarily phase and certain recommendations have made in context of location of the venture. Planning model to be flowed also cover the scope of the venture in the Property summary report. The environment is reviewed for assessing the economic and demographic feasibility of the venture and the factors which will influence the business. The market for real estate is analysed to understand the demand and use of service, amenities provided fluctuation in demand, any seasonal demand and price sensitivity of the property. There has been an analysis of proposed venture to know the scope, market penetration potential and quantum of competition in existing and potential value of the property.

  Detailed information and valuation have been attached with the letter, kindly go through the same.

  Kind regards

  Remark on locality

  With the drastic increase the number of car in the past decades, the competition to park the car is stiff and continuous improvement is required by the management of the multi-storeyed car parking in order to meet the demands of the user of services of the multi-storeyed car parking.


  The proposal is feasible and financial attractable to invest in. The survey shows the positive look of people and good value of property which will promote them to enhance their standard of living. The team is also feasible to make profit from property and confident about its idea. Therefore, investing in this venture will be profitable activity.

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