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McAslan (2010) brings forward a theory of resilience in which the organisation must be aware and prepared to understand the risks and their likelihood by understanding the critical business environment. The author also theorizes the suitability of the resilience plan of organisation, and the organisation’s willingness to implement when necessary and recover from the risk exposure. Analysing Tesco through such a theory infers that it was less prepared for the internal scandal to occur. This was due entirely to its own ignorance and unavailability of a resilience plan to tackle sudden self-destructing internal acts. Had Tesco equipped with a resilience mechanism to combat internal and external risks, the scandal could have been halted before its complete realisation, reducing the extent of the damage. Thus, Tesco assuredly did not make up a resilience plan. Risk management is a more common management tool which is constant, but organisational resilience must be an organisational goal in itself, embedded in each employee’s conduct.
Kantur (2015) brings a theory of resilience that contains three factors of performance; robustness determining the organisation’s capacity to withstand and recover from challenging conditions, agility determining the organisation’s capacity to take immediate recovering action, and integrity determining the cohesion among employees exactly when the crisis strikes. This theory brings in a novel concept which is based on fundamental tenets of resilience that are robustness, agility, and integrity. These three aspects, in short, determine the basis of organisational reliability and resilience. Working and strengthening on these factors makes the organisation less prone to invite and nurture crisis, and also to eliminate it as it strikes. Tesco lacked all three aspects of resilience, which gave the crisis creators a fertile ground to realise their desires. Robustness comes from exclusive system inclined processing, even though it may be cumbersome to execute. The discomfort felt in being alert to be resilient is compensated by the rewards of a crisis-free organisational conduct. Agility is also absent to a large extent in Tesco, as it did not act immediately to reduce the damage, but sat on it to let it amplify itself. Integrity is the prime issue here as seen by the lack of cohesion among employees during the crisis moment to curb its growing infliction and repair the damage with agile pre-planned action. Since these three aspect were absent, Tesco failed to secure the benefits of a crisis-free affair. This unfortunately took down with itself many investors and shareholders.

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