

Storey認為,大眾文化是從工業革命的城市化進程中演變而來的(Storey, 2006)。大眾文化一直與窮人和他們的低教育水平聯繫在一起。在前現代社會,娛樂和文化活動是日常生活的過去(Storey, 2006)。人們的生活已轉入工業化階段。農業不再是一種基本的生活方式。對莎士比亞戲劇的研究(如魏曼、巴伯或布里斯托爾等人的研究)顯示了文藝復興時期通俗文化的特點(羅伯特,2007)。因此,大眾文化並不是人類學研究的主題,它也被用於大眾傳媒、文化研究、社會學、歷史學、文學等領域。由於工業革命,人民的生活水平發生了變化。由於技術變革,通訊和運輸領域出現了新的革新。這也導致了工作方式和工作類型的改變。工業革命帶來了希望、創新和變化(Storey, 2006)。慾望和生活水平可以提高。隨著交通和通訊的改善,它給人們的生活帶來了重大的變化。在工業革命之前,人們不能遠行。然而,隨著蒸汽機的發明,人們可以方便快捷地去不同的地方旅行。
有了交通設施,更快的消息傳遞也可能成為可能。信息可以通過旅行的嘴來傳遞,電報和電話的發明也有很大的幫助。電話和電報被認為是最快和最可靠的通信方式。工業化也影響了人們的生活方式和生活水平。生活水平得到了極大的提高,因為人們可以花錢來滿足自己的慾望。它也帶來了繁榮,因為人們可以買得起自己的工具和電器。甚至,處於社會最底層的人們的生活水平也發生了變化。新文化是由人們發展起來的,舊文化被拋在了後面。因此,可以說,工業革命對文化的變化負有很大的責任,也對社會的變化作出了貢獻。流行文化是在一定的社會秩序下分析和描述流行的風俗、信仰、品味、娛樂(McRobbie, 1994)。也可以說,大眾文化是群眾文化與被組織起來的精英文化的對立。


According to Storey, the popular culture has been evolved from the urbanization of Industrial revolution (Storey, 2006). The popular culture has been associated with poor people and their poor education level. In the pre modern societies, entertainment and cultural activities were the past of everyday life (Storey, 2006). The life of people had been shifted to the phase of industrialization. Agriculture was no more a basic way of living. The studies of the drama written by Shakespeare (by Weimann, Barber or Bristol, for example) display the characteristics of the Renaissance popular culture (Robert, 2007). Thus popular culture is not the subject of anthropological studies, but it is also used in mass media, cultural studies, sociology, history, literature, etc. The standard of living of the people had changed due to the industrial revolution. There were new innovations in the field of communication and transportation as the result of technological changes. This also resulted in changing the way of working and also the types of jobs. The industrial revolution brought hopes, innovations and changes (Storey, 2006). The desires and living standard could be increased. As the transportation and communication improved, it brought major changes in people’s lives. Before industrial revolution, people could not travel far. However, with the invention of steam engine, people could travel to different places easily and in a faster way.
With transportation facilities, faster messaging could also become possible. The messages could be delivered by mouth through travelling and also the invention of telegraph and telephones helped greatly. The telephones and telegraphs were considered as the faster and most reliable way of communication. Industrialization also impacted the way of living and living standard. The standard of living was highly increased as people could spend to afford their desires. It also brought prosperity, as people could afford their personal tools and appliances. Even, the people at lowest point of social had changes in their standard of living. The new culture was developed by people and the old one was left behind. Thus it can be said the industrial revolution has been responsible greatly for the cultural change and has also contributed in social change. Popular culture is the analysis and description of the popular customs, beliefs, tastes, entertainment with the given social order (McRobbie, 1994). It can also be said that popular culture is the culture of masses against the culture of elites that have been organized.