

Tourism is one of the major industries in the present times. It is such an industry which may observe a constant change. With the emergence of the internet in the recent years and the increase in th online growth, there has been a rise in the new business model. The different tourist companies may be exposed to large number of changes. The industry is variable. In the last few years, the industry has also undergone a large number of changes. Some of the most important reasons related to the same are the increase in the globalization. This has led to an easier access and dissemination of the information. The travellers in the present times are offered new ways and opportunities. There are a number of reasons for these massive changes. One of the main reasons for the same includes the increase in the globalization which may lead to the easier access and easy dissemination of the information. As a result of the change in the technologies, the behaviours of the customers have also observed to change.

In this analysis the string quartets from Haydn have been focused. The changes in the string quartets and the difference from the earlier works will be probed in detail. In this analysis only the early string quartet and the later works of Haydn will be discussed in the following.

In the early strong quartets such as Op1 of Haydn there were limited resources or past references that were available to Haydn. This was seen in the five movement of the music in the early times. There was a confinement of approach. However, in the early strong quartet the concentrated intensity and the eccentricity of the artist are shown in the later works. The false tonality of the works of Haydn deserves special mention in the quarete. The evolution of Haydn as an artist and composer is clearly seen in his works. There was a more creative approach that was undertaken in the later string quartet composition.

The tourism companies are facing more and more challenges. Because each and every information is available quite easily in the present times, there are much more expectations from the customers. As a result of these factors, the business models do not apply. In this research paper, the discussion has been focused on the analysis of the reasons why the tourism industry rarely considers the different business models. The business models related to the tourism industry will be analyzed further leading the analysis of the reasons why the same has been failed in the present times.

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