


不满的主要来源和主要规范的挑战在全球化的过程中被分配。经济体有相互依存的全球和区域不稳定的根源相同。在一个国家在全球和区域的影响表现在当地经济危机和波动(钦 2007)。最著名的例子之一是亚洲的金融和汇率危机起源于1998年在泰国和东南亚迅速蔓延到其他国家。结果是相同的,整个全球金融体系有涟漪发送由于危机。有影响的边界,因为这些联系互连和绑定的经济体,同时它提出了一个更高的相互接触。有很多例子全球化的相互依存不得不因为beggar-they-neighbor政策,大萧条风格竞争性贬值,其他类型的保护主义干预措施和增加关税。然而,它也可以表示,这些可能导致战争的整体影响的经济体和还有一个军事敌对的概率。因此,在接下来的文章我们会看看全球化的负面影响,唯一的关注中国。


The major source of disaffection and also the major normative challenge in the process of globalization is regarded to the distribution. In the interdependence of economies there are global and regional instabilities which are rooted with the same. In one nation having global and regional effects there are manifested in local economic crises and fluctuation (Chinn 2007). One of the most famous example of the same was the financial and exchange rate crisis in Asia which was originated in the year 1998 in Thailand and it was spread rapidly to the other economies of South-east Asia. As a result of the same, throughout the global financial system there were ripples sent due to the crisis. There are implications across the borders because of these linkages which interconnect and bind economies and at the same time it proposes a higher mutual exposure. There are various examples where the interdependence had to be because of globalization with beggar-they-neighbor policies, great depression style competitive devaluations, other kind of protectionist interventions and increased tariffs. However, it could also be said that the overall impact of these might result in the warfare of the economies and there is also a probability of military hostility. Hence, in the following essay we would look at the negative impacts of globalization with a sole focus on China.