


希腊语是一种非常丰富的文化,在希腊已经发展了几千年。这种文化拥有丰富的价值观和习俗(Koutsantoni, 2005)。另一种文化是代表盎格鲁撒克逊白人新教徒的黄蜂文化。黄蜂文化指的是英国新教徒血统的美国白人。自第二次世界大战以来,黄蜂是精英阶层,具有影响力(Brookhiser, 1991)。电影《我盛大的希腊婚礼》(My Big Fat Greek Wedding)的导演乔尔•兹威克(Joel Zwick)试图讲述这两种文化背景的人之间的关系。他在这部电影中描绘了人物,他们的习俗,事件和价值观。故事的主角是一个30岁的希腊女孩,图拉波托卡洛斯,她还没有结婚。虽然她的家人热切希望看到她和一个希腊男人幸福地结婚,但他们已经失去了希望。图拉在当地的大学里遇到了一个叫伊恩的人,他是一个黄蜂,她爱上了他。起初,图拉的家人不接受伊恩,并试图同意她嫁给一个希腊人。

伊恩尽了最大的努力让图拉的家人接受他的水平,最终,在各种各样的事情发生后,他们接受了他们的关系,让他们结婚。这两种文化中有许多不同寻常的因素。这两个实体之间的第一个巨大冲突是它们对家庭生活的表现。希腊人,在这部电影中所展示的是明显的家庭导向(Koutsantoni, 2005)。他们对家庭关系有着重要的价值,甚至比他们的父母和兄弟姐妹更重要。他们和他们的叔叔、婶婶和孩子们关系密切。每周的家庭聚会在他们的家庭举行。他们在情感和经济上互相支持(Perren, 2004)。每个人都关心彼此的生活问题,并准备好慷慨的帮助。另一方面,伊恩在一个只有父母陪伴的小家庭中长大。伊恩的家人压抑了彼此的情感依恋,没有深厚的情感联系。图拉充满活力和情感的家庭生活深深地吸引着伊恩。


Greek is a very rich culture which has evolved thousand years back in Greece. This culture holds affluent values and customs (Koutsantoni, 2005). The other culture is WASP, which stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. WASP culture refers to White Americans who belong to English Protestant ancestry. WASPs are elite class and influential since World War II (Brookhiser, 1991). Joel Zwick, the director of the film ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’, has attempted to represent a story of relationship between people of these two cultures. He has depicted the characters, their customs, events and values in this film. The story focuses on a 30 year old Greek girl, ToulaPortokalos, who is yet to get married. Though her family keenly wanted to see her happily married with a Greek guy, but they had already lost their hopes. Tuola found a guy named Ian, who is a WASP, at her local college, where she falls in love with him. Intially, Toula’s family did not accept Ian and tried hard to agree with her to marry a Greek guy.

Ian tried his level best to be accepted by Toula’s family and eventually, after various happenings, they accept their relationship and let them marry.There are many elements which were uncommon between the two cultures. The first element which was a great clash between the two entities was their representation of family life. Greek people, as shown in this film are notably family-oriented (Koutsantoni, 2005). They have a significant value for their family relations, even other than their parents and siblings. They have strong connections with their aunts, uncles and their kids. Weekly family gatherings held in their family. They support each other emotionally and financially (Perren, 2004). Everyone shows concern in each other’s life issue and ready for their generous help. On the other hand, Ian was brought up in a little family, where he only had his parents with him. Ian’s family had repressed emotional attachment with each other and did not have deep emotional connections. Ian was so much appealed by the lively and emotional family life of Toula.