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Psychological concepts: This is an important concept which discusses the source of happiness and also claims that happiness is a state of mind and is a feeling. Various kinds of feelings give rise to what we call happiness. It is when someone leads a satisfactory life and balances out the good things with the bad things. The psychological conception also includes the hedonistic view on happiness. In the hedonistic view, happiness is sought through pleasures in life. A happy life is a life of maximum pleasures or pleasant experiences and minimum pain. It has its roots in Bentham’s utilitarianism. Hedonistic view is more of an affect. When pleasure is chosen over pain, happiness is said to have sought. This is said to be based on subjective wellbeing, which is another concept that scientifically denotes “a happy life” and everything required for it.

Also, for the participants, it is all about being stuck up with the company that the people think is best. The customers believed that this phone is really the fastest one in the market especially when it came to the high price of the product. With its high price, came forward higher maintenance, but this was ignored by the customers of the company (Albert, 2010). The focus was also on trying to find a proper schedule, contact and reminder for the product. There was no issue in finding out any other problem by the customers with regard to their Apple I-phone. The focus was on ensuring that transparency of the product is maintained. If there is no transparency then the customers do not prefer purchasing the product.

This paper is of the notion that through in depth analysis of interviews, it becomes possible to understand the needs and requirements of customers with regard to a product or service. I-phone 6 has been successful in the market, but its flaws have also been prominent. This flaw needs to be prominently dealt by the company to make a difference for its product and its service delivered to the customers. Therefore, needs analysis and prioritizing the needs were of utmost significance.

The affective component in this theory is mainly the component which includes the increase of positive affect in life (more pleasures), the decrease of negative affect in life (lessening of pain), and the cognitive component which is satisfied with the way life is going on. Also this conception states that people who are happy as per this concept have more persistent moods. It means that a person’s emotional condition can be said to be stable, with better judgements, satisfactory decisions and stable moods. Thus, keeping the psychological conception of happiness in mind, it can be said that when man seeks pleasures and more positivity and not negativity and is satisfied with the way his life works out, he receives happiness.

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