


“因此,利润最大化的目标显然不是合理的,证明或证明的,甚至没有任何证据支持作为适当的目标。它简单地被认为是宇宙的真理。这就是世界的方式。 QED。而且,从假设出发的基本原则被认为是“对任何决策过程都是有效的”(Baye and Prince 2013,p.3)
在回顾了马克思的思想体系之后,可以指出,他想提出一个后来被古典经济学家拒绝的矛盾,因为他们不是基于这个体系的原则。笔者认为,在对经济学及其理论史进行一番考察后,可以看出,早期的经济形式表现出价值的困惑。这些价值观是在商品阶段讨论的,它们怎样才能成为商品生产和交换。如果把这些古典价值都归结为“劳动”,新的后果将是令人费解的性格。伴随着社会压力,这种新的价值将永远留在社会。这会发生,因为“劳动”这个价值是强加自然的,是人类生存的必要条件。除了这个经济理论家认为这个观点是矛盾的,从古典经济学家的观点来看,这个矛盾是不可能解决的(Baye and Prince,2013)。



“The goal of maximizing profits is thus apparently not something to be justified or proved or demonstrated or even supported by any evidence as the appropriate goal. It is simply assumed to be a truth of the universe. That’s the way the world is. QED. Moreover, the underlying principles that follow from the assumption are said to be “valid for virtually any decision process.” (Baye and Prince 2013, p.3)
After reviewing the ideologies of Marx it can be noted that he wanted to give a solution that later became contradictions that were rejected by the classical economist because they were not based on the principles of this system. I believe that after taking a glance at the history of economics and its theories it can be analyzed that the earlier forms of economics showed the puzzled forms of value. These values were discussed in the commodity stage and how can they become the commodity production and exchange. If all these classical values are reduced to ‘labour’, the new consequences will be the puzzling characters. This new value will eternally last in the society after accompanying the social pressures. This will happen because the value ‘labour’ is nature imposed and is the necessity for the existence of humans. Apart from this economic theorist believe that this view is under contradiction and this contradiction can be insoluble from the view point of the classical economists (Baye and Prince, 2013).

The vision of modern economics as a science is different from the view point of classical political economy. According to the vision of modern economics it is about the production of goods and services and how can these goods and services produced.